Fun Facts! :)

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A/N - I always find it fun to look at the stats and know the numbers behind a story. To satisfy my own curiosity and maybe someone else's this is a compilation of random and fun facts about this story.


Announcement: After much consideration, now finding life more or less returned to normal after one of the most hectic years ever. I have officially decided to do another sequel. So if you liked this story keep your eyes peeled for 'Return and Reclaim' releasing early July 2017!


-Upon completion On Borrowed Time ended with a word count of: 59,136 words! That's not quite as long as Lost and Found but I'm still very happy with it!

-The longest chapter in the story was chapter 35. The Hounds at 2784 words.

-The shortest chapter in the story was chapter 12. Supernatural at 1179 words.


-Upon the day of completion On Borrowed Time had a total of 118 comments.

-I don't particularly find this stat odd. As of this moment the chapter with the most comments on it is chapter 1. Deja Vu. If you recall, this is the chapter that Dean comes to Queen Consolidated to tell Felicity Sam is missing. Felicity tells off her nasty coworkers. This chapter currently has 24 comments.

-This particular stat doesn't surprise me much as I know I really lapsed in the middle of posting after evacuation. The chapters with the least comments are: 

15. Show you the Devil, 16. Feathery Asshat, 17. What is it, 18. Imposter, 20. Phone Calls, BONUS: Last Christmas, 28. "Loopholes", 30. Winchester Arrogance, 31. Hysterics, 32. Hole Straight to Hell

They have a whopping 0 comments. I feel this really reflects my poor updating schedule  that occurred because of that wretched real life. haha!

-This is a factoid I still find amusing. The person who commented the most was with 43 comments... is still grootmorning. This is the same person who held the title on Lost and Found made more amusing by the fact that most of her comments are from the earlier chapters!

Reads & Readers:

-At the time of completion On Borrowed Time had 3.2K reads! My head just exploded. After everything that happened in the past year, after my super slow updates and what I felt was a rather scattered story On Borrowed Time has only 0.2K reads less than Lost and Found had upon completion.

-Readers voted a total of 338 times at the time this story was finished. Fairly evenly distributed, but mostly as usual for stories- on the first few chapters. This fact shows that though Lost and Found finished with more comments, On Borrowed Time finished with more votes at completion. 

-Most of the readers were female in gender.

-It's no surprise this next one. 62.5% of readers came from the United States, then Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom tying for second at 5%. 

And finally, the most important of all the stats - this marks the second book/story I've finished on Wattpad. :)


A/N - Well, I hope you got some fun out of that, I certainly did! If there's any other facts you'd like to know, let me know! :)

And remember, if you liked this story, the sequel 'Return and Reclaim' will be released early July 2017!

Woot Woot! Thank-you for all the reads and votes and comments. Lots of love! <3


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