34. A Wrench in the Plan

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Sam had been more than surprised when Barry had caught up with them, though when he found out his reasons he was more than happy for the speedster's abilities. Adam was out and he was on the hunt and Barry had made the decision to get to them before his half-brother did. Sam wasn't sure if that was a good idea or a bad one but at any rate he wasn't about to refuse a super-human's help. 

"Take her, get her as far away as you can," Sam insisted, pushing Felicity towards Barry with a firmness that left no room for argument. Barry nodded, taking another check over his shoulder as he had at least three times already, surveying the area around them. He was on edge, Sam noted and with good reason. As he moved to sweep Felicity up into his arms she shouted out in panic, causing alarm to flare in Sam's chest. 

"Wait!" She insisted, her eyes watching Barry as if for permission that she had the moment to spare. He hesitantly nodded and then Sam found himself being assailed by a frightful blonde in a grip so tight he found it almost hard to relax. "You have to promise me something," she demanded as he hugged his sister back. 

"Anything," he promised.

"When Barry takes me away, you won't go running back to the fight," Sam opened his mouth to retort as Felicity stepped back. Her stormy grey eyes, glassy with tears not yet shed made him sigh and deflate in seconds. He wondered if this is how his 'puppy dog eyes' made Dean feel when he used them. 

"Come here," he murmured, holding his arms wide for another hug before defeatedly adding: "I won't go back, I promise." 

Through everything she had been through, everything she had experienced, the way her face lit up when he had said it; her naivety still existed in enough proportions to kill whatever scheming he had been starting. His plan from the word go was to get Felicity out of Adam's reach and then turn back to help his brother. Now, he felt he would be breaking another newborn limb he wasn't quite sure he would be able to come back from if he were to break this promise. 

"We need to go," Barry urged, his head practically on a constant swivel at this point. Adam must have looked something furious when he had crawled out Sam decided, but he didn't disagree either. 

"Stay safe," he advised before Barry picked her up and was gone in a heartbeat, leaving Sam abandoned on the side of a gravel road in the middle of nowhere. 

Dust settled in the speedsters wake and Sam couldn't help but feel he should be doing something. His mind could only roll over every promise he had made - her life for his, nothing will hurt you, get away from Lucifer, don't go back, catch Adam. 

He had unknowingly bound himself by word in too many directions.

Catch Adam. Nothing will hurt you.

He looked to his left, back the way they had just came. Down that way the battle of the century raged and judging by the twirling pillars of smoke rocketing into the sky the gates were still open. He wanted badly to help them, after all isn't it a hunter's goal to rid the Earth of demons and monsters? First and foremost, above everything he was still a hunter. Still, the biggest monster of them all waited for him, the one that wanted to take his body and use it as a means to walk the Earth, shape it and form it into the devil's own perverse wet dream. He didn't think he'd like the devil to have him today. But Adam, he was still back there somewhere and he would hurt Felicity.

Get away from Lucifer. Don't go back.

He looked to his right, in the direction that Barry had just run off with Felicity. That direction was the way his brother wanted him to go. If he went that way he could help Felicity - but he would be more of a hinderance than anything. Barry Allen could run faster than he had ever dreamed, and Felicity needed to be as far, far away as possible if she stood a real chance to get away from Adam. Still, should he risk what little time he had left and dive back into the thick of things?

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