12. Supernatural

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"What's wrong with her?" Oliver demanded as Sam scooped Felicity up and placed her on the couch, Charlie running around for pillows and blankets. He looked from Sam to Dean, whichever would give a reaction first but both were tight lipped and incredibly pale. "Answer me!" He finally shouted and grabbed the collar of Sam's shirt and yanked him back. Sam calmly removed his fingers from his collar and only turned to look at Dean. 

"What aren't you telling me?" He asked his brother and Oliver hesitated, wanting to lash out at Sam again. All the while he couldn't help but think 'if they had never came here, they would have figured out the meta-wolf. Felicity would have years, death wouldn't be looming ever nearer.'

Dean looked nearly green as he stared at his brother and Oliver himself near red - ready to explode. "It was yellow eyes Sammy, I turned around and he was there hovering over her-"

"That's not possible he's dead," Sam responded but his voice had an edge of panic and Oliver wondered who the hell yellow eyes was when Felicity started to stir. He shoved Sam aside and dropped to his knees beside the couch and brushed aside the strands of blonde hair that laid in her face. 

"Felicity," he coaxed gently as she shifted again before blinking and dazedly taking in the room. 

"Oliver," she croaked, her trembling fingers coming up to cover his hand as he cupped her face. "I made the light explode," she murmured and Oliver frowned. The light had definitely exploded, but that had been something uncontrollable, something of happenstance. 

"That's not possible, it was a coincidence-"

"Actually," Sam cleared his throat from behind him, "it might not have been," he finished and his tone was enough to make Oliver turn around and glare at him. 

"What do you mean? She's not a meta-human," Oliver countered, his voice defensive though the thought didn't appal him, he wanted to keep his Felicity just the way she was. Dean looked almost embarrassed and Sam looked rather sombre. 

"Wait-" Charlie cut in, "Isn't that how you died the first time Sam? Yellow eyes fed you demon blood and you got supernatural abilities?" Sam gaped, opening and closing his mouth like a fish and Oliver's mind reeled at this information. "Dean made a deal then, that was how he went to hell - crossroads demon right?" Dean's jaw clenched and Oliver sat stunned. Hell? Demon blood? Supernatural abilities? He wished he had paid more attention to that spreadsheet Charlie had had. He could swallow ghosts and meta-humans but trips to hell and death and resurrection? It was all becoming a little much. Not that dying the amount Charlie claimed the brothers had was normal, but still that seemed more feasible in the moment.  

"No, not possible!" he exclaimed, refusing to believe what the Winchesters were insinuating - Felicity had supernatural abilities? No, Felicity was an IT guru and about as harmful as a caterpillar, she was his Felicity. Her brains were her superpower, her intellect behind the computer screen and her fingers flying over that keyboard with determination reflected in her glasses - that was Felicity's super power. 

"We'll know if it happens again," Dean responded rather cooly and Oliver tightened his grip on Felicity's hand. "In the meantime I suppose we have to face the fact with Cas - dead, a seal may have been broken. That and there's still something in Starling Cemetery that's killing people," Dean rambled on as if his sister's life wasn't on the brink of coming to an end. Had they really died so many times that they had lost all respect for how precious life really was?

Oliver went silent as Dean tried to avoid the topic of supernatural abilities. He made a choice then, one that he should have made long ago - "Felicity is my priority, and has always been and she needs rest. The seals are your issue," he said, sliding his arms under Felicity and lifting her in a swift motion. She clutched to the fluffy blanket Charlie had covered her with but didn't protest at his actions.

They left the living room and Oliver carried her to her room, no one followed. He placed her on the bed carefully, though he could tell she was fully awake now and seeming relatively fine. He grabbed a kleenex from her side table and gently wiped away the remainder of the blood on her face as they sat in a comfortable silence. Neither of them wanting to broach what had just happened.

"I'm sorry," he finally murmured, pulling her into his arms and pressing his lips to her forehead. "I shouldn't have disappeared like that- or then. I should have just called them-"

"Oliver," she cut him off, "you came back and that matters too," she whispered, stroking the stubble on his chin. He scoffed as he pressed his forehead to hers.

"Of course I did, I couldn't just leave you with the-" he got choked up and had to stop to take in a shaky breath, "with the time you have left," and he could already feel the tears stinging his eyes. Five months, that's all they had left. Five measly months before the first girl he ever truly loved slipped away from him. 

He pulled back and looked at her then, to see her eyes watering much the same as his. "Don't you dare cry!" she threatened, her eyes brimming behind her glasses. Carefully, Oliver pulled them off of her face and set them aside as the tears broke free, rolling down her cheeks. She was beautiful and precious and as innocent and breakable as the first time he had laid eyes on her and he loved it. 

He kissed her then, realizing it had been the first time in nearly two weeks that he had allowed himself that luxury. Her lips were soft against his and her loose blonde hair tickled his nose as her fringe fell into her face. He pulled back and brushed the piece aside and stared at her, memorizing every detail of her face to keep in his memory. "I don't know what I'm ever going to do without you," he whispered and she gave him a weak smile.

"You'll find your answers from Cisco and Caitlin, Diggle- maybe even Charlie," she responded as if she had already thought about it. 

"But I don't want them, I want you," he confessed and she looked at him with glassy eyes and a smile before grabbing the hood of his sweater and pulling him to her in a passionate, lip crushing kiss. 


A/N - This chapter was more filler than anything, but I thought we were due for an Olicity moment! So what are you guys thinking so far? Oliver is in denial, Felicity might have supernatural abilities and it seems Azazel may be back! GAH! So many things! Let me know what you think!

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