Chapter 10~ I Am The Gang Leaders' Possession

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To answer the question brewing in your minds, Yes, I do have a thing for gang leaders.

But in this case, it wasn't planned.

Step 1: Your  Brother Gets Kidnapped And You  Get Called To Bring The Ransom Money But You Decide To Go Ninja On Them To Rescue Him.

So, there I was sitting je-jelly (peacefully) on the couch watching the reruns of CSI: Las Vegas when my phone decided to ring. I picked up to hear the voice of my twin brother sounding scared. I told him to snap out of it, I was in the middle of something important. That was when a scary voice decided to speak, telling me to bring the money to so-so-so and so place else, my brother will be 'HISTORY.'

No one would blame me if I didn't go, I mean he did place a bet on my head. But I decided to save to save him.

*Heroic music plays in the background* I, Sandra Chiaha will take it upon myself to rescue my half-ass brother even though it might endanger my life.

*Cue in crowd claps and cheers* Thank you! Thank you! *Bows a little*

So, I dressed in yellow and red spandex, made my way into the enemies lair to rescue my brother. I got in searching round for the possible places where my brother could be kept when someone yelled,

"Hey! You!"

Apparently, they've seen a lot of girls.

I'll pause here to enable me present candidate number ten....... Vincent Van Coconut.

Step 2: Unfortunately, They Kidnap You Along With Your Brother.

They kidnapped me along with my brother, all praise be given, these once were a lot nicer than Huckleberry.

So, there i was tied to a chair with no ducks tape on my mouth. Apparently, my brother had decided the easier and quicker means to make money was drug dealing.

"Why are you dressed in that?" Van Coconut asked.

"What? You have a thing against red and yellow?" I asked.

He glared at me and an idea popped into my head.

"Can I get a hoodie?"

"Can you get a what now?" Coconut asked.

"A hoodie."


"Yeah, Why?" Geoffrey asked.

"Oh! Great, just great. She gets a hoodie and I get what? Tied to a chair that's what."

"Who gets a hoodie?"


"Who's Aria?"

"Someone. You know, they also sang her a song."

"You want us to sing you a song?"

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Don't you think you're a little too old for imaginary friends?" Coconut dared to ask.

"Imaginary friends? Imaginary friends? Imaginary- she is not a figment of my imagination!"

"Okay, I've heard enough. Knock her out."

And that people was how I saw the light. Sorry, darkness.

Step 3: You Find Out A Great Deal About Yourself  Plus The Gang Leader Is Now Head Over Heels In Love With You.

In the middle of my yapping, Van Coconut decided to let us go.

"Please, let them go, the boy already has enough problems with her as his sister."

"That hurts. After everything we shared. I thought we had a thing."

"You've been sitting there since you arrived and that was five days ago," Coconut threw his hands up.

"I see your point, Aria wasn't tied up when she and Vincent hit it off."

"My name isn't Vincent!"

Long story short, Coconut threw us out saying I was sick and needed psychiatric help.

Legendary fail it is then.

*      *      *

I am the gang leader's possession is written by @xThePineappleGirlx

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