Chapter 11 ~ Notes Posted By Chloe

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Step One : Post Notes Confessing Your Undying Love For Your Crush At His Locker.

I decided to place this burden on a transfer student who rarely said any word except 'Hi' and 'Bye.'

It was hard, but as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. And that was how it started with candidate number 11 and I.

Candidate number 11 happened to be....... Charlie Butler.

Step 2: Drop Notes At His Locker And Watch Him Discretely. *discretely being the keyword*

After saying hi and becoming friends with Charlie, I started posting notes at his locker. I have reasons to believe that there were more notes than books in his locker but like I said, watching him discretely was my main aim.

I never told him it was me, even when he enlisted my help to look for the anonymous being that kept posting notes in his locker aka me.
Step 2✅

Step 3: He Discovers Its You Posting Notes At His.

On this fateful day, Charlie caught me putting the note his locker. He caught me like caught me red handed.

Guess I am not a ninja afterall.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You know, checking for cobwebs."


Well, he checked his locker and saw the note that I had begged Geoffrey to write for me.

Just my luck, he had Geoffrey's note in his hand.

I discovered two things within that short period of time. First, Charlie is not as stupid as I had thought because he put two and two together and found out that I was posting the notes and Second, Geoffrey was not as clever as I thought. He, apparently gave Charlie his note and took off to search for me to prevent me from posting the note instead of just texting me. I mean what are cell phones for? Obsessing and Stalking celebrities?

I thought -scratch that- knew all hope was lost until Charlie kissed me and for the first time, I felt it. Lightning or was thunder. I got it. Sparks.

No, we didn't drift apart nor did dad move us.

You didn't guess it. We dated.

*Congratulatory music plays in the background* I, Sandra Chiaha, finally aced a book. *Bows*

* * *

Notes Posted By Chloe is written by @ThatReeader

This chapter is dedicated to Wimbug

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