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Darcys POV:

Calum looked over my book for a solid ten minutes reading and rereading all of the lyrics that I've wrote. This song only took me a couple of days to actually write but it means so much to me. Most of the other songs that I've wrote have taken me so much longer to make but the message of this song explains me. I don't want to be like everyone else, being original is something that i endorse so much. Why be anyone else when you can be yourself? That is what she song is all about.

Calum and I were talking about his music career a a couple of weeks ago and he told me "I don't want to be another social casualty', the whole song kind of stemmed from that idea.

The song is in no way finished, there is still so much that i want to add to it. The first part especially. The chorus is done, ive had the idea for it for quite a bit now. I like the rest of the song and i would say that it is pretty much done. The only part, as i said, that needs tweaking is the start.

"This is really good Darcy." Calum finally spoke after an agonizing fifteen minutes of silence. "Can i use this for tonight?" I love how dedicated Calum is to his music. The whole day before and of a gig is based on preparing what he's going to say, wear, do and sing. I'm so happy for him that he's actually been approached by Steve for some more performances, usually Calum has to go to him. I hope it gives him the boost to know that other people really do enjoy his music.

I nodded at the boy opposite me whilst taking the book back out of his hands. I took the leather strap from the table and proceeded in tying the book back up. "Shall we head back then? I need to get my stuff and then be back here to practice in like," He looked at his phone screen. "an hour an a half!"

Calum stood from his seat and then quickly went up to the bar to pay for the food. Ashton gave him the bill and as Calum picked out the appropriate amount, Ashton looked over to me and winked. I rolled my eyes at the boy and then joined my brother at the bar. Calum handed him over the money and then walked in front of me on his way out of the pub.

Just to prove that i am always one up on Ashtons antics, i winked back.


Calums POV:

Once Darcy and I had finally managed to get back to The Thistle, i began throwing random clothes out of my messily packed suitcase. Nothing seemed good enough for such a big occasion. This mans first impressions of me are going to be based on my clothing. If i am not dressed accordingly then he is going to think that i am shit, then I'm not going to get the offer. "What are you stressing over?" Darcy began picking up all of the items of clothing that i has thrown all over the room in my pathetic attempt to look presentable.

I fell back and leaned against the wall. "I can't find anything to wear." I murmured but i knew that she heard me. She simple began laughing at me and continued picking up everything that i had discarded as not good enough.

"You go and do whatever it is that you are so worked up about and i will sort out your clothing, you girl." She laughed at me again. There was so much that i needed to do before i could even about my performance later. I needed to learn this song for a start, that was my number one priority. Then i could start worrying about the trivial but yet still important things.

I took Darcys book, with her permission, and began reading the words over and over again. The beginning of the song hadn't been finished so i sang the other parts of the song first, recording myself so that i could listen to it over and over. I found that that was the easiest way to remember songs. If i just read the lyrics off some website then i often forgot them when it came to needing them. Listening to the song always leaves it fresh in my mind and helps me to remember the rhythm. This is the first song where i actually had to record myself singing it to play it back to myself.

There is this awesome feeling in my stomach as i start singing the lyrics that my sister had halfheartedly wrote. Darcys attention peaked as she recognized the words as her own. She came and sat and listened to me as i sang to her. The song was amazing and it sounded so much better knowing that it wasn't just a cover of another artists music.

When i had finished singing the song Darcy stood up and cupped her mouth. "Do you like it?" She asked nervously.

I hugged my sister in tight. "It's amazing Darcy. You need to stop putting yourself down because you are an awesome song writer." One of the kids from the home had gotten hold of her book once and ripped into her about each of the songs that she had written and shes just never been as confident in them as she was. It's awful because each of the songs that she has written are incredible and shows that she has a true talent in writing. That kid was a dick.

"We need to figure out the start a bit. Its a rushed song and.." I pulled out of the hug and looked at her straight in to the eyes.

"It's incredible for the amount of time you spent on it." i finished off her sentence. "We'll figure out the start now?"

She took the book and flicked to the end. She grabbed a pen from her bag and began writing. "Well I've had this idea i just don't know if it fits." She wrote it down and then passed me back the book. "Sing it, then the rest after."

Darcy closed her eyes and turned around, nervous about her choice in the beginning of the song.

"Just a kid its all the same,

Growing up it doesn't change.

Who are they to try to put us down?

Had enough of what they say

Sick and tired of all their games,

Stand up and sing it with me now." I sang. This was the new bit that Darcy had added. I carried on with the rest of the song and it fit in so perfectly. I have no clue what Darcy was worrying about and why she didn't just add this part in in the first place.

I stopped singing mid chorus and turned my sister around to face me. "It's perfect." That was all that was needed to be said before she flashed me the biggest smile that i have ever seen on her face. With her now facing me, i got my phone, opened up the recorder and began singing the entire song. She sat and listened intently as I sang her song. This is the first time that anyone had ever sang any of her songs so this must be as incredible for her as it is for me.

When i had finished singing the song and stopped the recorder, she clapped. If it got this reaction out of my sister who is her own worst critic then i'm hopeful for how its going to work out for tonight. "I got your outfit sorted!" She suddenly remembered, pulling me over to the floor by her bed where a navy blue shirt, black skinny jeans and black vans were laid out. She had done well. I thanked her and then grabbed my earphones from out of my bag.

I changed from out of my moving clothes and into the items that Darcy had picked out for me. Looking in the mirror, i decided that i look good enough to go and perform for this label man. The outift is dressed up enough so that i dont look scruffy but then not as if i had overdressed. I then took the bag that Darcy carries around with her and put in my hair gel. If i did my hair now then it would look a mess by the time that i actually need to perform.


Darcys POV:

Calum was rushing around gathering everything that he needed for his show tonight whilst i laid back on my beg and thought over and over about how awesome it sounded to hear Calum sing my lyrics. The words that i had decided to put in in the beginning were made up on the spot and i had no idea how they were going to sound, i had prepared for them to sound awful. I've never been able to write a song this quickly and for it to actually sound good.

I'm seriously thinking about giving Calum my entire book and just telling him to sing them all to me. The feeling was indescribable. Having someone sing you the lyrics that you have thought of all yourself is just addicting. I have wrote some songs that i know would suit Calum to a tee and i may let him sing them at the other gigs that Steve has given him. It'll be like he sings a different original song each time that he performs.

"You ready?" He asked, picking up his guitar case from beside his bed.

"Lets go, Hood." I mocked the boy using Steves nickname. With that we left number 67 and began the walk all the way back to The Swan.

Leaving (An Ashton Irwin Fan Fic) *in major editing*Where stories live. Discover now