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Darcy's POV:

It only took us ten minutes to walk to The Thistle. The building was tall and looked slightly run down but to us it symbolised our freedom. This awful hotel was going to be the start to a whole new life for Calum and I and I can't wait to see what is going to happen. We're both adults now and can drink, party and just do anything we want. Calum went straight up to the man behind the reception desk whilst I unintentially lagged behind as my suitcase got caught on the curb. I finally put my 8 year old boy muscles to good use and managed to pull the case over and join Calum.

"We'll have your cheapest room, but make sure theres room for two people." Calum quickly got to the point and the groomed man at reception typed away quickly on his keyboard. He looked up at us through the top of his glasses.

"I can get you a room with two single beds for £50 a night." he said in an obviously put on snobby accent, no one can be that posh. It also didn't suit his workplace at all. He spoke like he worked in The Ritz when he only worked in a run down hotel in Swindon. The high life.

"Does that include food?" Cal hastily replied, obviously only concerned that we skipped breakfast this morning. Both of us had only worried about getting out of that place. When something that you have been looking forward to your entire life finally arrives, something small like having breakfast goes out of the window.

"The hotel can provide meals for an extra £10." Said the man with the name tag of Alan.

Calum knew that we couldn't afford the food to be that expensive if we were planning on staying here for a longer period of time. He kept looking over at me for clarification that Alan wasn't trying to take the mick. I didn't really like talking in formal situations like this, but I knew that i wanted to sleep in a bed tonight then I was going to need to speak up and help out my brother. Calum had always been the one to do all the talking for us. In year 10 I even made him ring up a company and ask for both of our work experience. I get too nervous in situations where I know I could mess up and sometimes I would even get this annoying little stutter.

"Can you give us the room and food for £50 and you won't hear a peep out of us I swear." Calum's head whipped towards me, obviously shocked that I was helping him out. He quickly turned his attention back to Alan who was again tapping away at his computer. After what seemed like forever Alan finally focused on us again.

"I shouldn't really, but I will make an acception for the two of you." He grabbed a set of keys from a hook behind him and handed them to us. "Your room is on the sixth floor, shouldn't be too hard to find. If you have any problems feel free to ask me for help"

We thanked Alan and left. On our keys was a keychain that clearly displayed the number '67', we took the lift the sixth floor and searched for number 67. Literally every door that we passed looked exactly the same. Not one of the doors stood out from being different apart from their numbers which corrosponded to the key that was needed to open it.

"Cal, it's over here!" I called to him as I stood infront of the wooden door with a metallic '67' in the middle of it.

Home. This worn out door is going to be mine and Calum's home for the next god knows how long. Cal appeared by my side in seconds and fiddled with the lock until the door clicked open.

I wasn't really suprised by the state of the room, I guess I had expected it to be like it is. Minimal. There were two small single beds which were covered in plain white sheets either side of a small bedside table. At the end of the room there was one small window which looked out into the town center. To the left of the door there was another small room which contained only a small shower, a toilet and sink. It could have been worse, we could have had to have a communal shower room.

"Darce, when my singing picks up I promise you were going to be living like superstars." he turned to look me in the eyes, his hands rested on my shoulders. "I promise you." he repeated, his eyes dreamy.

Calum always had this plan for himself. I don't have the heart to tell him how unlikely it is that becoming successful in that profession is very difficult and that many people don't make it. He's so set on becoming famous. I believe in him and I know that he is more than talented enough to be successful it's just that it's difficult to get noticed in singing. He's been trying for about four years with nothing. My brother deserves this more than anyone and I wish that someone would come along and see that.

"I love you Calum Hood" I said as I pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tighter.

"I love you too. I will do it even if I have to sing twenty four hours a day. I will."

"I know you will."

Leaving (An Ashton Irwin Fan Fic) *in major editing*Where stories live. Discover now