Authors Note

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Hi guys:-)

Okay, I first want to start off by saying that I'm sorry that I haven't updated this fan fic in a long time but it is all for good reasons. Leaving is under major editing as I wasn't happy with the beginning and felt bad posting stuff that I knew that I could do better with. This is in no way the end of this story, there is loads more to come it is just on hold as I'm editing pretty much the entire story at the moment. I'm spending hours a day doing this for you guys reading this so please don't feel that I'm sat back doing nothing instead of updating.

Also, of you are one of the ones that have read all the way up to here before the editing then I'm sorry but some things have changed regarding Ashton's job before hand and Darcy's education. I felt that I could relate more to the edited versions and have them get a much better connection for when it gets to this point in the story. I want people to actually ship the two characters together instead of just being content with their relationship.

Also another point, Leaving has reached 1K reads which is amazing which makes me want to spend even more time editing as I never thought that that many people would actually take the time to read this little story.

When it all turns to Ash, my other fan fic is also being updated still but not as regularly due to the time going into editing this book. It just got to the point where I don't want to publish content that I'm not 100% happy with and I'm sure that you lot will understand what I mean. It was my prom 4 days ago and I spent most of the day rewriting chapter 6 of this book...

Please vote and comment on any of the chapters that you read as it does only have 6 votes and 6 comments at the moment and it makes all of the time spent editing worth it!

Thank you so much for reading this silly little story and thank you for reading this crappy authors note:-)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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Leaving (An Ashton Irwin Fan Fic) *in major editing*Where stories live. Discover now