Chapter 7: Ready or not (part 1)

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(time skip)

We made it to the building were going to be living in for the week, we had to check ourselves in. Our tickets from the bonus matched with our company, we're set.  I forgot I had the envelope I took from Zara.

(Y/n)- " Guys! Wait up, before I forget" I handed it to Zach

(Zach)- " Oh right" he tears the envelope open, it contains two wristbands. He hands one to Gray.

(Gray) " This is cool" Gray put on his wrist, Admiring it.

(y/n)- " Nice- how about we settle our things in our rooms and after we can start exploring"

(zach)- " Yeah- that sounds good"

(y/n)- " See you till then"

(gray)- " See ya"

(zach)- " later"

Zach and gray head for the elevators. I look over to the front of the entrance, Cat was just walking in with her bags. She brought more than a weeks worth of clothes. I only brought one bag. I guess i'll help her out.

(time skip)

I jumped onto the massive bed, it was comfy, just like my bed at home. Cat was in the other room- checking out the view. This is so relaxing- I'm glad cat invited me. I don't know how I'm going to repay her back- one day.

I'm still hot from this extremely hot weather, even though I'm inside with the Ac- I'm still breaking a sweat. I closed the door to change my clothes. I rummaged through my bag to find something to wear. Good thing Cat and I went shopping before we left for this trip- I would not last here by wearing all black. I picked a white loose fitting dress, and a light- army green jacket and new slip on shoes. I changed into it and threw my clothes on top of the bed, which I declare mine now.

(y/n)- " Cat! Are you ready to go meet up with Gray and Zach!?" I shouted to her in the other room.

(cat)- " No! Not yet!"

(y/n)- " hurry up- I'll go see if they're ready.

I left the room and went to the boys room door. I get to their floor- I knock three times. The door opens and Zach was the one to answer.

(Zach) " Hey (y/n), come in"

(y/n)- " Thanks- you guys ready?" I entered in and Gray was hands on the window- staring out the amazing view they have of the park. 

(Zach)- " Where's Cat?"

(y/n)- " She's getting ready"

(gray)- " Lets go guys!"

(Zach)- " Dude relax, we gotta wait for Cat"

(Gray)- " I don't want to wait anymore!"

(zach)- " Just wait gray"

(y/n)- " Uh- if Gray can't wait- the three of us could just go- I can have Cat meet us somewhere"

(gray)- " Yes please!"

(zach)- " If she's okay with it"

(y/n)- " Let me call her" I took out my phone in my bag, I pressed on her name.

(Cat)- " Hello?"

(y/n)- " Cat- the boys are ready, if you're gonna be while- I don't mind going with them and we can meet up later"

(cat)- " Yeah that's fine- I'm gonna be a while"

(y/n)- " Alright- see you later, we're good to go guys" I say hanging up the phone. Gray cheered in excitement, he grabbed - what looks like a fanny pack. Zach slipped into his gray hoodie, how can he wear a sweater in this kind of heat?!On the other hand- im wearing a jacket.

(time skip)

(zach)- " Hey- stop!"

(y/n)-" Gray!'

He ran off. He ran off without us- and being stuck in a huge crowed like this, he would totally get ended up in the lost and found.

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now