Chapter 15: Cheer up

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(time skip)

We went on the monorail to go to the other side of park- Zach and Gray took a seat- I stood next to Zach holding on to the pole to keep my balance. I look over to gray- who was staring out the glass window. His reflection showed a sad pout- what's he sad about now? Zach was too busy to notice- he was talking to these girls sitting behind them.

(gray)- " If Mom and Dad get divorced, will one of us be with Mom and the other with Dad?" gray sadly said to zach who was still talking to the girls

(zach)- " What? Why would you say that?" he finally focuses on his brother.

(gray)- " Because they are."

(zach)- " No, they're not getting...They're not getting divorced.Look. You haven't been around long enough. They've always been that way." he tried to make his brother feel better but the way gray was slouching- didn't really help. I wish I could help but i haven't experience this before.

(gray)- "They get mail from two different lawyers."

(zach)- "That doesn't mean anything"

(gray)- " I googled. They're divorce lawyers." his voice cracked a bit.

(zach)- " All right, whatever. You know what? It doesn't matter, okay? I'm gonna be gone in two years anyway. I mean, all my friends' parents are divorced." he tried to make the matter a little better. Not really helping. Gray- made a cry face- no he shouldn't be crying, not now.

(zach)- " Hey, knock it off. You're gonna cry?" oh no- time for me to step in.

(y/n)- " Ahh... zach you're not helping, look gray- You're gonna get two of everything, right? You're gonna get two birthdays, two Thanksgivings, two..."

(gray)- " I don't want two of everything." he turns to face zach and I. A tear rolling down is right cheek.

(zach)- " Yeah, well, it's not up to you. All right? There's a point you have to grow up."

(y/n)- " Zach" I looked at him- he looks at me, I'm giving him the look-The look of you need to shut up now.

(zach)- " What- I'm just saying how it is"

(y/n)-" cheer up gray- look were about to go on the gyrosphere ride- it'll make you forget what's going on at home, right now we're on vacation, enjoy it" I say shaking his hair, he smiles even thought two seconds ago he was sad.  

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