Where's Lyla?

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Lyla remembers her weapons are all in the bedroom, out in the open. She gets up and puts her katana's under the bed. She then grabs her knives and pushes them under the bed. "I'm not even sure if I should stay here." She sits on the edge of the bed and thinks with her head in her hands. Maybe I should leave. She lays back down and falls asleep. Bruce wakes up from a nightmare and looks around. "Oh, only a nightmare." He lays in bed staring at the high white ceiling. Lyla about an hour later wakes up screaming. "AHHHH!" Bruce runs into her room bursting through the door.

"What's wrong!?" Are you okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine just another nightmare."

"I know how you feel..."

"Why, do you have them too?"

"Yeah, all the time..."

Lyla sits up.

Bruce sits on the bed next to her.

"What are yours about Bruce?"

"Well, when I was eight my parents got murdered... I watched them get shot."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

She looks down at the covers.

"It's okay." What are your's about?

"Well, I was around the same age as you were when my mom saw my dad with another woman in his bed." She just lost it, she loved him and trusted him so much that she started bawling and ran out of the room crying and sobbing. She than umh, slipped on something on the floor and fell off our three story balcony. After that the woman in my dad's bed started looking over the balcony smiling at us, I only saw, but my dad didn't he just kept staring at my mom and the pool of blood that was surrounding her.

"Do you think that woman did it?"

"Of course I do." After all this, I blamed my father because if he didn't cheat on my mother, she would still be alive right now.

"Where's your dad?"

"He's dead." He drank himself from the guilt, depression, and shame and suffered from a heart attack.

"I'm so sorry."

Lyla and Bruce sit there in silence.

Alfred runs to the room and looks at them.

"What happened?" I heard screaming! Bruce, what are you doing in here?

"Alfred she had a nightmare, she's okay now we talked it out."

Alfred smiles. "Well I'll be on my way than master Bruce, it seems you have this under control." He walks out.

"Well, we both know how it feels to lose our parents."

"Yeah, I suppose so Bruce."

"I'm glad you're okay, I'm going back to bed now."

He smiles at her.

She smiles and finally looks at him.

Bruce trips over one of Lyla's katana's sticking out from under the bed.

"What's this?"

He bends down and grabs it and pulls it out from under the bed.

Lyla jumps off the bed and grabs it.

Lyla, what is that!?

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