The Last Chapter

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"We found the location of where Lyla is being held."

Jim says looking at Bruce.

Alfred looks outside and hears sirens.

"You called for backup?"

"Yes, this is a very dangerous investigation so Bruce I advise you to stay home and not tag along."

"No, i'm going."

"No Bruce."


"Bruce you can't Jerome broke out of Arkham and helped them all escape."


Alfred asks confusingly.

"Barbra, Penguin, Kyle and Mad Hatter." It seems they are working together to take revenge.

Jim turns around and leaves the mansion. He hops into a police car with Officer Harvey and they speed away.

"I'm leaving."

Bruce says putting on his coat.

"No, master Bruce it's too dangerous!!"


Bruce storms out the mansion and follows the police cars on foot.

Kendall chases after Bruce quietly following him.




"How do you feel?"

Kyle asks.

"Untie me."

Kyle looks at Mad Hatter.

Mad Hatter shrugs his shoulders.

Kyle unties Lyla.

Lyla lunges at Kyle and kisses him.

She doesn't let go and he grabs her face.

"Damn, I think it worked."Kyle tries to say.

"Well, you got what you wanted, now let's take revenge on Bruce."

Mad Hatter says.

Kyle ignores Mad Hatter and continues to make out with Lyla.

I don't think it was a good idea to give her the whole bottle he says reading the back of the bottle.

Kyle pulls away from Lyla.

"What is it?"

Lyla tries to grabs him.

"Well, how do I say this it says if you give her the whole bottle than she will try to, you know..."

"What, will she try to do!"

"She will have sexual urges."

Kyle laughs.

"Yeah, okay I'll try not to help her with that."

He winks.

"You better not get her pregnant, that's the least of our worries right now."

"I don't know about all that."

Mad Hatter walks out the room and joins Penguin, Jerome and Barbra.

"Did the potion work?"

Barbara asks.

"Yeah, a little too well."

Mad Hatter says.

Jerome peeks around the corner and sees Lyla pinned down on the floor and Kyle kissing her.

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