Finding Out The Truth

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Bruce and Lyla go to the GCPD.

"My name is Bruce Wayne, I would like to speak to Jim Gordon please."

Bruce goes in to Jim Gordon's office while Lyla follows.

"What can I do for you guys?"

"Well, last night I was getting a gift for Bruce from my apartment."

"Uh huh."

"So I ran in to this Mad Hatter guy and he was acting really strange." He said he was looking for a girl named Alice.

"Do you know him?"

"Yes, I met him at Barbra Kean's party."

"Wait, what were you doing there?"

"She's a friend of mine."

"Lyla you have to stay away from Mad Hatter and Barbra Keen they are both really bad criminals."

"What do you mean?"

Jim Gordon pulls out a file of Barbra Kean and Mad Hatter.

She reads Barbara Kean's file first.

"She murdered, her parents and kidnapped you and tried to kill you girlfriend?" And she's from Arkham Asylum?

"Yes, she was my ex wife..."

"Oh, my god."

Lyla reads Mad Hatters file.

"He's been in many mental institutions for "hypnotising people" and doing magic as a kid."

"What's so bad about him?"

"Well, since we only have a little bit from his childhood, his sister Alice we found her last night she's fine, but she told us that he takes blood samples from her and does horrible things to people."

"Why does he want her blood?"

Bruce asks.

"Her blood is dangerous and can kill people, he also practices his "magic" on her."

"Well, believe or not he can hypnotise people, Jim."

Bruce and Jim look at her with a weird look.

"When I was at Barbra Kean's party he picked a guy from the audience and hypnotised him to say his name."

"That could of been staged."

"Well, If it was that guy sure is a great actor."

"Thank you for telling me this Lyla."

"Your welcome and thanks for showing me the files and telling me to stay away fro those bad people."

"It's my job to protect."

Lyla smiles and they walk back to Bruce's mansion.

They see Mad Hatter and 4 giant guys.

"Well hello there Miss Lyla."

Lyla ignores him and continues walking with Bruce.

Is that your boyfriend?

"Don't worry about it."

Bruce says turning around.

"Stay away from me and Bruce, I know what you and Barbra are capable of doing to people."

"You are going to regret saying that Lyla."

He grins at her with his green eyes peering at her.

Bruce and Lyla walk faster and arrive at his mansion.


Mad Hatter arrives at Barbra Kean's nightclub.

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