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Bruce and Kendall are almost home and they see an armed teenager, the size of them walking up the street towards them.

"Isn't that Jerome Valaska?" That really dangerous guy that broke out of Arkham Asylum.

Kendall says nervously.

"Yes, I think we should go another way."

They run the opposite direction and Jerome chases after them.

"He's following us!"

"We can't stop he will kill us!"

They finally make it home and loose Jerome in an alley.

They enter the mansion and Alfred walks in to the room.

"Al- alfred."

Bruce says out of breath.

"Did you get chased master Bruce?"

"Yes by Jerome."

"I just watched the breaking news that he killed 13 GCPD officers."

"What are we going to do with the reservations?"

"We still have a few more hours, maybe we can wait until the bloody bastard is gone."

"How is Lyla?"

"Well she was upset because she thinks you forgot her birthday."

"Well keep it that way she can't find out."

"You might want to hide the flowers and present."

Kendall says.

Bruce takes the presents to his fathers secret room.

He puts them on the table and closes the door behind him.

"Master Bruce?"


He says walking to where Alfred is.

"I had a lovely chat with Lyla, while you two were out and about."

"What did you talk about?"

"Do you realize how much she loves you?"

"Yes, she tells me all the time."

"Well I believe she does love you, but do you truly love her?"

"Yes, Alfred she makes me happy, happier than I ever have felt in a long time."

"Well good, that was the chat Lyla and I had."

Lyla walks downstairs with the empty pint of ice cream, not looking at Bruce and  silently walking to the kitchen.

She throws the ice cream container away and walks back upstairs still silent.

Bruce and Alfred go in to the living room and watch the news.

Kendall goes upstairs to talk to Lyla.

"Can I come in?"

She says looking at Lyla through the open door.

"I guess."

Lyla says in a moping tone.

Kendall sits next to her.

"You okay?"

"No, Bruce forgot my birthday."

"I'm sure he didn't."

"No he did I asked him what is today, and he said he has no idea."

"Well I didn't, happy birthday Lyla."

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