New Best Friend

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"Yeah, he's trained me for years," Lyla says staring up at Kendall.

She's fit, light-skinned and has brown, curly hair, up in a high bun with pieces of hair on each side down.

"Wow, that's cool." How old are you Lyla?

"I'm 15." What about you?

"I'm 14."

"A year younger than me."

"Hey you can be my older sister, I never had."

Lyla smiles.

"Hey, you could be my new best friend/ big sister!"

"That sounds good, I don't have many friends because I'm always alone most of the time."

"How come?"

"I have severe trust issues."

"Yeah, well you can trust me, I will never let you down no matter what and will always be by your side."


"Yes, I promise."


"Because some people need someone to talk to if they're alone." I'm here for you.

Lyla hugs Kendall and quietly cries.

"I-I think I made a mistake, Kendall."

She looks up while Kendall is holding Lyla.

"What do you mean?"

Lyla pulls away and sits with her hands holding her knees.

"I-I was staying with this sweet boy, named Bruce Wayne." I left in the middle of the night.

"Why?" She says calmly, looking at Lyla.

Lyla looks at Kendall.

"Because I..."

She looks at her knees.

Kendall scoots closer to Lyla.

She puts her hand on her back.

"It's okay, you can tell me."

"I-I think I love him." I had to stop my self from falling in love because I don't want to get hurt or let down again.

She sobs.

"I can't afford to get hurt in anyway again, I can't take it. I can only take so much."

Kendall hugs Lyla.

"It's going to be okay, I will be here for you always.."

"Thank you, Kendall." I don't know what to do. I really want to go see him, but he's probably mad and part of me is saying, "Don't you'll get hurt again."

"How about we both go see him tonight."


"I know a place, where we can both eat."

"Let's go."

Lyla and Kendall climb down the ladder and race to the restaurant.


"I don't know what to do Alfred."

"Just wait, she'll come back."

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