Mad Hatter/ Fast Forward

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About a couple months later, Bruce and Lyla have not forgotten about each other. Kendall found Lyla a week after the kidnapping incident and decided to move in to her apartment. She understood that Lyla needed time apart from Bruce, so she hasn't had contact with him or hasn't said anything, in the past couple months. Bruce's update is that he is getting so much better at training and could possibly take a man down. Bruce had his birthday, but didn't celebrate it. He turned 15.



She says as she changes in to a purple, long sparkly dress.

"When are we going to talk to Bruce again?"

Lyla stares at the floor and begins to speak.

"How about today..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I don't know if it's a good idea though." I don't know if he'll welcome me back like he used to, I up setted him pretty badly like you told me.

"If he loves you, than he wouldn't let you go."

Lyla smiles at Kendall and turns around for her to zip her dress.

"Thank you, Kendall."

She says turning around hugging her tight.

Lyla begins to cry.

"It's okay, I am here for you, forever and always no matter what." I will always be on your side.

Lyla let's go of her and wipes her tears.

"Let's go."

She says smiling.

Kendall and Lyla show up at Barbra Kean's party. They walk in to the colorful, flashing nightclub, filled with villain's and alcohol. Yet they have no idea that they are dangerous, villain's.

"Ah, so glad you could make it."

Barbra says hugging Lyla as she looks at Kendall with her green eyes.

"We are as well."

"You guys are just in time for the show!"

They all looks at the stage and see a man come out from behind the curtains.

"Ladies and gentleman, I present to you a special show for you all tonight."

He says as he keeps his green, peering eyes at Lyla.

Tonight, I will present to you the ability to hypnotise anyone, right before your very eyes!

A man raises his hand.


The man walks up to the stage.

What's your name, my good sir?

"My name is Gary."

Well Gary, what I want you to do is concentrate on to the beat of your heart, and match the rhythm with my watch.

The man stares with a blank look.

Now, listen to my voice.

When I count to 5 I want you to repeat what I say.

"Yeah, right that's impossible."

Lyla mumbles under her breath, while the others agree and repeat back to the man.

"Yeah, that's impossible!"

"Just watch."


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