Meeting The Maniac

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"Master Bruce!"

"Yes, Alfred!"

"You need to get your face cleaned and bandaged changed."

"I'll do it."

Lyla says smiling at Alfred while Bruce looks down from the balcony stairs.

"Okay, the supplies are in the bathroom." Let me know if you need any help.

Lyla walks up the stairs and follows Bruce to the bathroom.

Bruce sits and Lyla grabs bandages from the cabinet and peroxide.

She sets them on the sink and gently grabs Bruce's face.

"This might hurt a little."

She pulls off the bandage and Bruce doesn't flinch.

She grabs a cotton ball and soaks it with peroxide.

"Tell me if it hurts too much."

She puts the cotton ball on his wounds and he cringes.

"I'm sorry."

She wraps his wounds back up gently

"All done," she says smiling.

She puts the stuff away and throws away the old bandage and bloody cotton balls.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Bruce." 

She says looking away.

"What's wrong?"

They both walk out of the bathroom and into her room and sit on the edge of the bed.

"I feel like everything is my fault, you shouldn't have to suffer through the pain and get beat up, it's not right."

"No, no none of this is your fault Lyla."

He says grabbing her hands.

"Explain to me then how everything isn't my fault."

She says crying.

"It just isn't you didn't know what could happen or what would."

"Yeah, but I went out, he captured me." Then he lured you to the warehouse, he beat you, I could have stopped that I should have just admitted right then and there that I love you that way he couldn't have beaten you."

Bruce grabs her face and wipes her tears.

"It's not your fault."

He kisses her gently.

She smiles.



"What is so funny?"

"I just find it funny, that my whore mother is dead, she got what she deserved."

"No person deserves to be slaughtered like that."

"Well, she did." HAHAHAHHA!

"Take him to Arkham Asylum." Jim Gordon says disgustedly.

Jerome gets sent to Arkham Asylum.

"Well, hello Jerome, I've been waiting for your arrival."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Dr. Hugo Strange and I'm here to help you become better."

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