Looking For Alice

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"Ladies and Gentleman!" Let me introduce myself, my name is Mad Hatter. I am looking for my sister Alice.

He says walking in to the GCPD peering around looking for Jim Gordon.

"Looks like we gotta another freak in town."

Officer Harvey says.

"Where, is Jim Gordon?"

"I'm right here."

He says coming out of Officer Barnes office and Officer Barnes slowly following after him.

"Ah, great."

He walks toward Jim Gordon.

Could you help me, look for my Alice?"

"Why would I do that?"

Mad Hatter pulls out a wad of cash and a picture of Alice.

I'll see what I can do.

"Thank you."

He tips his hat and walks out.

"What was that about?"

Harvey asks.

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Alright, get back to work!"

Officer Barnes yells.


Lyla lays her head on Bruce's chest.

He runs his hand through her hair.

"Dinner is ready."

Kendall says coming in and smiling.

Lyla and Bruce jump up and go to the kitchen to eat.

Alfred serves them and they all sit down and eat.

"Master Bruce's birthday was last week."

"Happy late birthday Bruce."

Kendall says.

"Thank you."

Lyla sits there silently.

"Will you excuse me."

Lyla gets up and goes in to another room.

She starts crying.

"I missed his birthday, It must of been horrible."

Bruce walks in and hears her.

"No, it wasn't I got my present that I asked for."



Lyla smiles.

Bruce hugs her and they go back to dinner.


Jim Gordon looks through the file of Alice.

He reads that last time she was seen was at an old apartment.

Jim closes the file and leaves the GCPD.

He arrives at her apartment.

He gets out and climbs up the stairs. which seems forever to go up.

He knocks on Alice's open door and opens it to see a man laying on the floor in a pool of blood. He sees her in the corner with a bandage on her hand.

He draws out his gun.

"No, don't!"

"What happened?"

"I couldn't pay my rent on time, so he came in and tried to..."

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