Asking An Unlikly Friend For Help

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It's been almost a week and Lyla is still staying with Jim. She has been thinking about what happened and has decided to take some time away from Bruce. Lyla's ankle is almost healed and everyone, but Jim and Harvey still know she isn't missing.


Harvey goes to grab a cup of coffee from his coffee machine, when suddenly a knife is to his throat and an arm is around him.

"Don't move."

A voice of English accent fills his ears.


Harvey says questioning him.

"Yes, it's me Harvey." I want you to tell me where Lyla is at.


Jim wakes up and he notices Lyla is gone and her stuff is gone as well.

"Oh shit!"

Lyla run limps down the dark alley where she once was.

"Come out Selina Kyle, I know your watching me, I just wanna talk."

A dark figure climbs down the ladder and faces her.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to apologize for slicing your arm, I only did it because I made a deal with Penguin."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm no longer working for him and I realized the truth about him." I also feel really terrible about it.

Selina looks at her, in a forgiving way.

"I'm sorry for kissing your boyfriend."

"It's okay, how is your arm?"

"It's feeling better, is there something wrong with your ankle?"

"How did you know?"

"I noticed you were limping."

"Yeah, the night that all happened I jumped out the window and must of fell wrong."

"I hope it's okay.."

"Thanks, I need a favor and need your help."


Jim Gordon calls Harvey.


An English man asks.

"Alfred?" Where's Harvey?

"Right here."

"What are you doing there?"

"Getting answers from him."

"I'm coming over."

Alfred hangs up, still holding Harvey.

"Can you let me go Alfred."

Alfred let's go of Harvey and Harvey punches him in the face and takes the knife back.

"I suppose I needed that."

He says wiping his bloody busted lip.


"What do you need to ask me?"

"Well I need you to give Bruce this note I wrote."


"So he knows I'm fine."

She hands her the note.

"The other favor is, I need a place you know where no one will find me." But before that, I need you to promise to not tell anyone where I am.

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