What Really Happened

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" I swear Kendall, she needed help she came in the window and I helped her since I know her."

"What's her name?"

"Selina Kyle."

"She's an old friend, I swear she kissed me first!" I tried to pull away!

He says telling the truth.

"I believe you."

"Well, I'll go talk to Lyla."

"We will."

Bruce and Kendall search the mansion and go to her room.

"Her clothes are gone!"

Bruce says.

Kendall looks and see's her window is open with the wind blowing the curtain.

"She left."

"We have to find her!"


Lyla limps and sits down on the side walk crying, in her knees holding her ankle. A dark figure walks up the side walk.

"Hey you shouldn't be out here!"

A man says walking toward her.

She looks up and recognizes him.


Jim Gordon says looking at her confused. Lyla starts bawling and doesn't stop.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"I can't walk." she says holding her ankle.

"Come on let's take you to my apartment to get you fixed up and you can tell me what happened."

Jim Gordon picks up Lyla and her packed bag, he carries her to his apartment and sets her on the couch, closing the door.

"Let me look at your ankle."

He rolls up her pant leg and looks at it.

"It's twisted, I'm going to get some ice and a wrap."

He goes in to the kitchen and gets the ice. He grabs a wrap from a medical kit. He wraps her ankle up.

"Hold this ice on your ankle."

She listens and cringes, when the ice touches her ankle.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

Lyla continues to cry and doesn't answer.

Jim Gordon goes in to the kitchen and make tea in a kettle. He comes back and tries to talk to Lyla.

"Does Bruce know where you're at?"

Lyla looks at him with a heartbroken look.

"Where do you want me to start?"

She says sniffling. Jim Gordon grabs some tissues and gives her one.

"From the beginning."

"Well I wanted to get someone for protection, so I asked Penguin earlier." So him and I made a deal, he wanted me to get his money back from Fish Moony. Kendall and I did and we got chased by a girl, Fish Moony and monsters. We made a plan and tricked the girl and lost the monsters. So I sliced her arm and switched the bags. I met Kendall at our old apartment and we returned the money to Penguin. So before we did all this Bruce and I were arguing because I was out and he didn't know where I was at. After we did Penguins deed we returned home through the window, so we wouldn't trick off any alarms and wake anyone up. That's when I- I saw that girl kissing Bruce....

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