Are We Safe?

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Several months pass and Bruce's face is completely healed. Lyla's neck isn't bruised anymore and they are both doing well. The villains are still locked up in Arkham Asylum. Lyla's birthday is today. Bruce is planning her something special, without her knowing.

Lyla wakes up with a smile on her face.

She gets up out of bed and walks to Bruce's room.

She sees that the door is open and sees that he is sitting up in his bed.

"Good morning."

She says walking over to his bed and kissing him on his forehead.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, how about you?"

"I slept well."

"Guess what today is."

She says eagerly.

"No clue."

"Its' my birthday!"



She says sadly.

Well I'll be in my room, if you need me.

She walks out less happy as she was and crawls back to bed.

Bruce smiles and laughs. 

He knew it was her birthday, he just wants to surprise her.

He jumps out of bed and races down to the library where Alfred is.

"Alfred did you make the reservations?"

"Yes I did master Bruce."

"Good, I'm going to go out and get Lyla a birthday present."

Kendall walks in.

She already knows about the birthday plan.

"I got Lyla a present."

"Good, you come with me to get Lyla's present if you want."


"Alfred, stall Lyla until we get back."

"Alright master Bruce."

Bruce and Kendall leave.

Lyla lays in bed crying.

She sniffles and Alfred comes upstairs and hears her crying.

He walks in and sits on the edge of the bed.

What's a matter?

"Bruce forgot my birthday."

"I'm so sorry Lyla."

"Its okay its not that special anyway."

"How old will you be turning?"

He asks even though he already knows since Bruce told him.


"Sweet 16."

"There's nothing special about it." Its just a number.

"It is special you are a young lady now, your growing up."

Lyla continues to cry.

Do you want me to bring you some ice cream?

"Yes, please."

Alfred goes downstairs and grabs mint chocolate chip ice cream out of the freezer and also a spoon.

He goes back upstairs and gives them to her.

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