Trust Issues

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"Alright, are you two girls going to steal anything?" Do you mind on telling me what happened?

"Alfred, stop they're not criminals."

"Okay, so Kendall and I went to her apartment and we heard people upstairs."

"They're drug dealers," Kendall says interrupting.

"Yeah so anyway we went up on the roof and went in the window and stole their money."

"We then got caught by the police," Kendall says.

"Why did you need money?" Bruce says looking at Lyla.

Lyla looks down looking at the wooden floor.

"For emergencies and food," Kendall says.

Lyla looks away angrily and crossing her arms.

"Well, I could have helped you both," Bruce says not taking his eyes off of Lyla.

"Well, then I guess this was a misunderstanding." I mean you still stole, but it was from low life criminals. It would be worse if it was from an innocent person.

"You two can stay with us if you like," Bruce says looking at Alfred.

"If I find anything missing you're both out," Alfred says looking at Kendall.

Lyla finally looks up and looks at Alfred and takes a step forward.

"If you were a criminal I would steal from you, wouldn't I?" Last time I checked you aren't. Come on Kendall let's go.

"No don't go," Bruce says grabbing Lyla's wrist.

"Why?" Give me one good reason why I should stay if you're butler isn't going to trust me and is going to insult me?!

"I'm sorry Lyla,"Alfred says looking at her.

"We promise we won't steal anything," Kendall says looking at Lyla.

"Alright, I suppose you two could stay."

"Oh man, I left my things at Kendall's apartment."

"How are we going to get them?" Could those guys still be looking for us? Kendall asks.

"What did you leave behind?" Alfred says and looks at Lyla.

"Some knives and two katana's."

"You are not bringing those in here!"

"At least I told you, what they were, I could have lied!" You know what forget it I'm not staying here.

Lyla walks to the door and Bruce chases after her.

"Master Bruce!"

Alfred runs after Bruce.

Bruce catches up to Lyla and grabs her.

"What are you doing?!" Get off.

"Just listen to me."

"What." She says in a crying voice.

"Please, stay here we will go help you get your stuff back, I don't want you leaving me."

"What do you mean?"

"Lyla, I care about you more than I should." He says letting go of her.

" I can't, Bruce."

"Please..." I care for you so much I can't just let you go...

She turns around and looks at him.


He wipes her tears and Alfred catches up to them by the gate.

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