Two Alice's

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The 4 men drag Lyla and Bruce in an abandoned house and up stairs. They look around and see dolls and chairs also a merry go round.

"Welcome to my circus!" Alice loves circus's and carnivals.

Mad Hatter ties Alice to a chair.

The two men tie Bruce to a chair and the two other men tie Lyla to a chair.

"Now let's get this party started!" What are we going to do to them?

"Well, now I have two Alice's." I think I'll let Lyla live, but Bruce nah let's get rid of him.

"Ohhhh I wanna kill him!"

Barbara Kean says.

"Not yet, just be patient."

He moves Lyla's chair in front of Alice's chair.

Lyla I would like you to meet Alice.

"We will get out of here Alice."

"Shut up, Lyla."

Mad Hatter says.

"Your not going to get away with this!"

"Shut up, Bruce."

Mad Hatter punches him.

Bruce spits blood in his face.

"Is that all you got?"

Mad Hatter punches him again.


Lyla says.

Mad Hatter walks over to Lyla.

"You don't want me to hurt his pretty face?"

"Leave him alone."

"You are so pretty, Lyla." From the first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were mine.

"You're insane."

Mad Hatter kisses Lyla roughly and looks at Bruce.

Lyla bits his lip really hard.


She spits in his face.

"Don't fucking kiss me again."

She says angrily.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Lyla starts screaming Jim's name.

Jim looks at her weird.

Nice try, but he can't wake up unless I unhypnotise, him.

"Are you okay Bruce?"


"Let him go."

"Why, if I do all he'll do is go to the GCPD and we don't want that to happen."

Mad Hatter grabs her hands.

"Don't touch me."

"But darling you don't understand, you are mine." I was thinking about getting revenge, but love is better than revenge.

"I don't love you, now let me go."

"I can make you love me."


Bruce yells.

One of the men punch him in the face.

"Let's teach Bruce a lesson."

Mad Hatter walks over to Bruce.

He punches him in the face over and over again until Bruce passes out.

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