Bruce Wayne

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When Bruce Wayne was eight, things took a turn for the worst... Bruce Wayne held his mother's hand while they walked out of the movie theatre, while his father was walking beside his mother. His father smiled at him and said, "Bruce, did you enjoy the movie?" Bruce polietly replied, "Yes father I did." They continued their walk home. Bruce's father alerted them, "I think we should avoid all this commotion and walk a shorter way." His wife and son nodded in agreement and they turned down a narrow, dark, wet alley. "I don't think this is a good idea honey..." His wife said in an anxious tone. "We're almost there, don't worry." He smiled. Although that was the last smile, he gave that following night. They walked a little bit further until they hear rustling behind them. Suddenly they hear a couple trashcans knock over and see someone pop out from behind them. "Hello?" Who's there? Bruce's father says, anxiously. The guy walks towards them and they all see he's pointing something at them. "Give me your money!" Bruce Wayne's parents shake and tremble to try to get the money out. "Come on, I don't have all day..." He says impatiently and angrily. "Fine, I'll do it myself..." The guy shoots Bruce's father first and then his mother. Bruce stares at him in fear and the guy yanks his mother's pearl necklace off her neck and runs away. Bruce falls to the ground on his knees in a pool of his parent's blood. He screams and lays his head on his dead parents. The GCPD, later that night was called.

"Hi, Bruce..."Jim Gordon says, putting a blanket on Bruce's shoulders covering him. "I'm Jim Gordon," Can you tell me what happened?"

Bruce stares at him in shock and fear.

" I promise we will find who killed your parents."

"He killed my parents..." Bruce mumbles.

"I know he did." Jim Gordon says patiently.

"We were on our way home, my dad wanted to take a shortcut..."So we did and heard rustling behind us, a guy jumped out and pointed a gun at us wanting money."

"What did he look like?" Jim Gordon asks.

"I couldn't tell, he was wearing a mask and it was too dark." He shot my father first and then my mother. He took the money and my mom's pearl necklace.

"Thank you, Bruce, you did well," Jim says.

Bruce hugs Jim Gordon, "Please find, who killed my parents..." He cries into Jim Gordon's chest.

"I promise I will find who killed your parents."

After that night, Bruce was never the same boy, he used to be. Through the years the Wayne's Butler took care of Bruce. Bruce only grew darker. He suffered from nightmares and terrors throughout the night, that his parents were murdered. Still does. At the age of fifteen, he is completely changed. He became more obsessed and hopeless of who killed his parents.

Hope you guys enjoyed this. This was just a short chapter it's just a brief overview of what you should already know about Bruce Wayne's character if you're a fan. Just expressed in my way and my point of view, not the actual detailed story or background of him, but does have the true events of what happened. (Because I don't plagiarise or copywrite even if it's just a bio)  Please vote and support it means a lot to me.

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