New Villain

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Bruce and Lyla arrive home safely.

They walk into the mansion.

"What took you so long, master Bruce?"

Lyla interrupts Bruce.

"We ran into some trouble, we had to help this girl from the drug dealers upstairs."

"Did you kill them?"

"Good god no, all I did was rough them up a bit, I'm not capable of killing someone."

"Well, I'm glad you two are safe."

Kendall walks downstairs all clean and in new clothes. She has her long curly hair down and is wearing makeup.

"Is that you Kendall?!"

Lyla runs to Kendall and hugs her.

"I'm glad you made it back safe Lyla."

"Of course I would." Well, we.

Lyla looks at Bruce and smiles.

He smiles back at her.

"Well, I made dinner everyone so wash up and come to the kitchen."

Lyla and Bruce walk upstairs.

"I'm glad you saved that girl today."

"I guess, I honestly didn't want to."


"I just didn't want you to get hurt."

Bruce smiles.

They wash up and head downstairs.

Bruce sits down and Lyla sits next to Kendall. Alfred opens the dishes and everyone enjoys their meal.


Bruce goes into the living room and turns on the TV.

"Breaking news at Gotham City reporting outside the GCPD." Almost all the GCPD is outside trying to defend the inside and out as a guy named Kyle Karley is trying to kill everyone.

"Lyla, come see this!"

Lyla runs into the living room.

"What is it?"

Bruce stares at the TV.

Lyla looks at him and then the TV.

"If you see this guy, do not I repeat do not approach him." He's wearing a black coat, black boots he's armed and dangerous with a knife and shotgun. He has brown hair, brown eyes.
The TV goes to no signal.

"Oh my god, Bruce."

"We have to save them."

"We can't save everyone, Bruce he's too dangerous."

"But you can."

"No, I can't I'm only 15."

"So what you could take that guy out!" I'll come with you.

"Why do you want to save them, Bruce?"

"I just don't want anyone to die."

"Fine, I'll go alone."

Lyla says putting her katana's on her back.

"You're not going alone, I'm coming with you."

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