Chapter 2

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September 6 2017


"Wife?" I stutter.

He got married?

I don't know what to think. How could he have gotten married?

"She doesn't mean anything to me anymore. She doesn't mean anything."

He was lying about that too. Of course she meant something to him, she meant a lot to him if he married her. Everything had to have been a lie, not my feelings but a lot more than just that fact that he had someone else.

He begged me not to let him go. He begged me to stay with him, but not even three months later he was married. He wanted me to take him back that day, he wanted me to forgive him after all the lies he had been telling me. How was I supposed to forgive him as if Stephie didn't exist?

But that meant nothing now, what I could've done that day was in the past now. He married her. After he said all that stuff about how he didn't love her, he was just lying. That's all he seems to do.

"Yeah he is pretty young, I know." Olivia said. She grabbed some papers from the desk and then led me to the large doors that I presumed Justin's office was behind.

The office was large, a big wooden desk was off to the side. There was a computer, a phone and a lamp. The desk was neatly organized with different magazines and sticky notes. Behind the desk and a little off to the side was a door that was closed so I didn't know what was behind it. At the corner there was a black leather sofa and beside that a small glass table with a water jug on it.

He stood at his desk, going through various magazines while sticking color coated tags on some of the papers. When we walked in he closed the magazine and looked up at me with a smile.

I didn't return it. I'm upset. One for him calling me Isabelle, and two... marriage. This is the exact definition of embarrassed. I have to work for my ex-boyfriend and his wife. At this point college sounds so much better than seeing his face every day.

"Olive give us the room please." Justin said, and Olivia nodded and placed the papers on his desk and left. I stood there rocking my heel back and forth on the hardwood floor while I tried to avoid his gaze.

"You changed your hair." He commented. "I like it." I looked up at him, and his face visibly fell, when he saw the hurt look on mine.

"You got married?" He stiffened immediately, I guess he wanted to be the one to tell me. Well, too fucking late for that.

"I did." He nodded and played with the cuffs of his sleeves. That's all he had to say about that as we continued to stand in front of each other saying absolutely nothing. Nothing. He just stood there like an idiot! And he is! And absolute bruiting, lying idiot! And so am I! I live in idiot ville population me, and Justin. But me, no I take the cake as BIGGEST idiot on this planet because I fell for this shit for months! Idiot!

"So I'm going to be your assistant?" I said changing the topic from our personal lives to anything else.

"Intern assistant. You won't get paid as much as a normal assistant does." I still don't understand the point in being his assistant, how am I supposed to get my education like everyone else? "Hold on a minute." He went to his desk, and picked up the phone and called Olivia in.

"Olive will you please explain to Ms. Clowinsky how this is going to work." She nodded her head and pulled out a paper from her clipboard.

"So as Mr. Bieber's intern assistant you'll handle his meetings, book clients, assist at the fashion shows and photoshoots he'll be attending. You'll also accompany him to his appearances. You'll know things before he does, and it is your job to organize anything and everything that goes on in his life." I nodded my head, as I understood more clearly what my job was.

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