Chapter 25

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September 7 2015

"Bella's first day as a junior!" My dad exclaimed as he held up a video camera to my face.

"Aw who would've thought she'd make it?" My brother said sarcastically and I glared at him.

"It was a shock to all of us but she's here now." My dad said and I smacked his arm.

"You guys are so annoying. Can I go now?" I groaned, they were keeping me in the car so that I could document my sophomore year on camera, which was so stupid.

"Hold on a minute." My dad said as he adjusted the camera.

"We need this on camera to make sure no one thinks we're lying when we tell them you made it to your third year of high school." Anthony laughed.

"Shut up!" I hit him this time. "At least I'm going to school, you're not going to your orientation day because you 'don't feel like it'." I mocked him.

"First of all, I'm in university, you're in jail. Second of all, I don't have to go to orientation because a friend of mine is going to pick up my packages for me." He smirked.

"You have friends!?" He rolled his eyes and then smacked me upside the head.

"Yes, I do!"

"How come I've never met him then?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because he lives in Palm Springs, and he wouldn't want to be around your ugly face anyway." He stuck his tongue out.

"So how does he deal with yours?"

"Go suck a-" Before he could finish my dad smacked his mouth and sent him a glare.

"She won't be doing any of that. No boys, no sex, just good grades, and honour roll." All three of us looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

"We need to go, mom wants you to be there for some teacher meeting for Noah, and we have to go pick up my friend from my school in a few hours," Anthony said and I took that as my cue to leave.

"Bye, dad, bye loser." I waved as I exited the car. They honked the horn as I began to walk up to the school and I turned around and waved again, which is when I bumped into someone's shoulder.

"Oh sorry about that." The boy said and when I looked up at him my breath hitched. Holy mother of fuck he was hot.

"It's fine. That was my fault." I laughed nervously.

"I'm Jason, and you're Isabella, right? I've seen you around school." Hot guy knows me!

"Yeah, that's me." Why am I so awkward?

"Could I walk you to class maybe?" Yes please!

"Uh sure, I'm supposed to be meeting some of my friends, so you can come if you want." Please say yes, please say yes.

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