Chapter 43

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February 14, 2018


We arrived in New York yesterday and spent the rest of the day in the Hotel. Bella said she wasn't feeling well, but I don't think that was true. She spent most of the morning in her room, and only came out at five when we were leaving, I met her in the lobby, and there was a car waiting to take us to Oliver's office in Manhattan. 

His office is in a small building on the upper east side, when we stepped in we were immediately ushered to the top floor, into a studio to wait for him. Bella and I haven't talked much since the flight, and I think she noticed that I saw- or rather didn't see, her necklace there anymore.

She put her hair down and parted it over her shoulder very often. The silence has been awkward, and I had to occupy myself with visions of runways and dresses, to get the disgusting image of my brother, and Bella out of my head.

"Justin, Bella, it's so good to see you," Oliver came in, and we both stood up. Oliver looked disheveled, he had a piece of fabric hanging from his shoulder, sweat on his brow, but he did look happy to see us, I can only assume that means he's been working hard. Fingers crossed, my whole line hasn't gone to complete shit.

"Good to see you too Oliver, what have you go to show us?" Eager is one word I could use describe how I'm feeling, but I think it might be a bit of an understatement. I'm good at pulling this facade, you know, I'm totally fine, but this is my make or break. I want something to start going good in my life, and right now my career is the only thing I can actually control.

"Come and check it out, I think I've really brought your designs to life," He led us to a room, full of people with sewing machines, and hollow eyes looking like they haven't slept in days.

"Those are my interns, they're currently in the midst of competing for an apprenticeship," God I hope our interns don't look like that, these guys look like they run on coffee.

"When do they sleep?" I joked, but Oliver's answer or lack thereof actually caused me more questions. I'd better keep it to myself.

"Okay so, I want to make sure you like what I've done, be honest here," He moved a dark curtain, and it was like something out of a movie, everything that I had drawn, all the sketches, the colors the patterns all alive in front of me. I couldn't say anything, I looked at Bella and her eyes were widened and mouth hung open in awe.

"Oh my god," I heard her mutter under her breath, and my thought was exactly the same. "Oliver, these are so amazing!" She exclaimed. She was taking the words right out of my mouth, but still, I couldn't find it in me to talk. I did this, I designed this, all of this, and he's brought it to life.

"Oliver... you truly outdid yourself, my god," I looked around at the different ranges of dresses on their mannequins, and I couldn't be more proud.

"I made a few small tweaks, just little things. I was putting this one here together," He led us over, to a floor-length lace black dress, "I made the v-line a little lower here, I just thought the neck would look so much better a little more exposed. Tell me, what are you thinking?"

"It's amazing, honestly."

"You find me some models and I'll get the measurements ready for the show," I looked at Bella and she nodded in excitement, already preparing for it. "So, now that it's been settled I would like to propose one more thing, would you follow me to my office?" We nodded and were taken out of the showing room.

Oliver's office, was a small room, filled with light colors, and doused in different kinds of fabric everywhere, I can tell he's been working very hard. He takes a seat in his chair, and Bella and I sit in front of the desk.

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