Chapter 24

412 19 20

October 6 2017


Just as Justin asked when the rotation ceremony was done- do I call it a ceremony? Is that what it is? Okay, sure it fits- I went up to the golden floor and down the hallway to the modeling department.

I've never been here, it always felt like uncharted territory because whenever I would bring it up or when I was supposed to go do something for him, he was very quick to either do it himself or dismiss it completely.

Did I know why Justin didn't want me to go to the modeling department? Well yeah. I wasn't as oblivious as I was back when we were dating(shade). I know his mom is one of the department heads, and I know that's probably why he never wanted me to go.

I've never met Justin's mom, but I do know she wanted to meet me. In hindsight, I'm thankful I never actually met her, because if she saw me around here then I wouldn't just have to suffer the embarrassment of working with Justin and his wife but his mom too.

So, if he didn't want me going to see his mom I was all for that too. I don't want to meet her either, so I will kindly go to Ingrid and Ingrid alone.

I guess it'll be hard since I have no idea what Justin's mom looks like and she has no idea what I look like, so if it does come where I have to see her I can always just fake it till you make it or however the saying goes.

At the end of the hallway where the modelling department was, the office was a little confusing to find. First of all, when you opened the door that said 'modelling' it led to a very small three step staircase that led to an all black desk just like the ones on every floor.

There was a woman sitting at the desk and she was on the phone so while I waited I got a chance to look around more closely. When you actually stepped up the steps and in front of the desk, there was a long hallway that had black hardwood floors and black walls-my soul- and there were two doors on the right side of the black hallway.

"How can I help you?" The woman who had red painted lips and blonde hair asked me once she was on the phone. She looked kind of new, and a little like she didn't know exactly what she was doing, but you know me too.

"I need to speak to Ms. Elliot, Mr. Bieber wanted me to fill her in on the end of the merger project." She bit her lip and then clicked on her computer.

"You can go wait for her in her office, she'll be there shortly." I nodded my head and she pointed her finger to the first door in the hallway.

I walked into the office slowly, just in case she just so happened to be in there and she was busy. I thankfully didn't see anyone so I took a seat in front of the desk and tapped my fingers on my knees to pass the time.

I was startled when the door burst open and sounds of kissing came from the two people who entered. I looked at me and then jumped up when I saw a grown man and woman sucking face with each other and I definitely don't think that was something I was meant to see.

"I am so sorry, I was told to come in here... I can leave- you know- and uh just come back later." I stuttered, but it was hard to get to the door when they were standing in front of it.

"Honey, just go we'll... just go right now." I finally faced the man and woman and my breath hitched when I saw who was standing in front of me. The man looked familiar because I had seen him that day when I came to pick up my phone. And then the woman, well I wasn't an idiot and I would know this woman anywhere.

It had to be Justin's mom. The brown hair, the deep eyes- although her's were blue- the same freaking nose. She even sounded like Justin's mom. Well, fake it till you make it right?

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