Chapter 11

488 19 16

September 21 2017


For the next six days I went into work, either late or coming close to it. I did half ass wok for Mr. Golden boy and needless to say I think he was on the verge of getting fed up with me. I didn't slack off to the point where other people noticed but I would make careless mistakes that would annoy him.

We never spoke of the dumb contract, because he made another rule that I wasn't allowed to talk about it or discuss the terms of it with anyone. Apparently he didn't want to hear me talk about it anymore because he would not negotiate the terms of it, so there was no point.

I knew the stupid mistakes I was purposely making were getting to him because anytime he'd ask me to file something in the photo room, or cancel a meeting I would 'forget' or do it wrong and then he would go and do it himself which made him frustrated.

In a way, it was funny to watch his eyebrows scrunch up, and when he came in he would sigh extra loudly with an annoyed gleam in his eyes, but at the same time this whole doing a bad job was hard. Especially since I really liked the job.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing more that I want then to leave this golden floor and work anywhere else. I knew that I honestly wouldn't survive working for Justin, it was too hard. But I know that I was good at the job, and it was something that I enjoyed so much. This is what I want for myself, it's what I dreamed since my graduation.

I wanted to focus on my career, and become something and I knew that this would help me get there faster. But sacrificing parts of myself, was not how I wanted to get it. I didn't care about all the benefits that this program came with.

It was about seven forty five on a Monday (ew) and I was finishing my makeup. I would be late by probably ten minutes today simply because I knew Justin was an excessive time freak, and it helped my getting fired mission. I slipped on my heels grabbed my purse along with both of my phones.

I wore a black high waisted skirt with a plain black crop top and a black leather jacket. I was really trying to show off how I felt inside. I put on my sunglasses and went to my car to start my day on the dreadful golden floor. I ran my hand through my wavy hair and sighed. Why me?

I placed my purse in the passenger seat and drove to the large building, when I got in I greeted Greta like I normally did and she gave me a large smile back. Apparently no one ever really said good morning to her like I did so she was really happy about it. I don't know why people don't appreciate Greta's work.

I went into the elevator and pressed the button for the golden floor and rocked back and forth on my heels. I hoped Stephie wasn't in the office today. Now, I wished and hoped and prayed on the evening star or whatever, for Justin to give me shit for once and just report me or fire me, but he never did.

Although every single time Stephie was in the office, she was always giving me shit. And it was just annoying because she couldn't do anything about it since I don't work for her.

Since I spent a lot of my time in Justin's office he said I didn't have to knock like everyone else and I could just walk in. He promised he never did the nasty in his office so I didn't have to worry about that, but I mean it's Justin Bieber so you never really know.

When I walked in, Stephie was unfortunately there and I sighed because I had to prepare myself for her annoyingness.

"You skirt is a little too short." Oh good morning to you too. Never ask why I want to quit, because I mean come on, do you hear this?

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware there was a dress code." I rolled my eyes. Whenever Stephie and I had these little moments Justin wouldn't say anything he would just sit there with a comedic smile on his face like he found all of it funny. He'd only get mad at certain things.

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