Chapter 27

415 16 10

October 31, 2017


Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. I mean as a kid, I lived for Halloween movies and candy. Who didn't? Last year I didn't have a very good Halloween given the fact that it wasn't even a week after my father's death, so I skipped out on that.

I skipped out on most holiday celebrations last year, but I decided that this year would be different. So, I neede to get excited about Halloween, and I mean really excited. I want to bleed Halloween, pun intended cause I'm also on my period.

Being on your period sucks, I know that, but it's Halloween! The day where you get to eat candy and chocolate and stay up late watching scary movies. So being on my period on the day where I literally get free chocolate from strangers sounds pretty freaking fantastic to me.

I won't be going trick or treating, BUT here's a really cool perk of working for Justin Bieber: children from different schools go on a field trip day and actually come to the golden office to go pre-trick or treating.

And guess who the golden boy put in charge of getting all the candy? Me, the intern assistant! He told me to go above and beyond with the candy. So, I might have accidentally on purpose gotten just about anything that was sugary related.

I decided to be a pilot since I got my costume last minute and Isaac said he liked it when we were at the store. Justin said he was going to be a vampire, and me knowing Justin Bieber all too well, knew that meant he's going to show up in his regular work attire and call it a day. So I took it a step further, and got him some vampire makeup to complete his look.

I am shoving Halloween down everyone's throat, sue me.

Side note, I died my hair yesterday-not for Halloween but because I really needed it done- and I am really enjoying it. It isn't anything too drastic, in all honesty, I just put brown hair dye over what I already had so my hair is just a shade darker.

I curled my hair, did my makeup and then I put my costume on. Stiles was telling me how most of the interns were going to- and I quote: 'act like slutty high school teenage girls who use Halloween to dress up as provocative as they could' which isn't a big deal for me because if we can all remember back in high school my best friend was that girl.

Speaking of my best friend, Melissa was going to be Cleopatra, and like always she looked absolutely gorgeous.

When I got into work, I made my way to the golden office, and just like I suspected the golden boy was sitting at his desk in an all black suit with a pumpkin shaped bowl filled with candy on his desk.

"Good morning Dracula," I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.

"Did you bring coffee Amelia Earhart?" He asked looking at my costume for a second and then smiling at the Starbucks cup in my hand.

I handed it to him and watched in amusement as his face scrunched up when he drank from it.

"Pumpkin spice latte," I said, and he pouted in disappointment.

"You're lucky I like this." He grumbled and continued drinking it.

"So, where's your costume?" I asked, and he stood up from his chair and motioned to himself.

"How do I look?" He smiled when he saw my disappointed face.

Well, luckily for him I came prepared. "I brought you makeup, so you can vamp yourself up," I said enthusiastically and placed the bag that contained all the makeup on his desk.

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