Chapter 23

457 17 6

October 6 2017


When I got home last night after dropping off Noah, I stayed up pretty late watching a movie with Isaac. He was supposed to go home on Saturday and he technically did, but he also started working at this restaurant that serves really good food so he asked if he could come over so we could eat some.

I know it won't be an everyday thing but I really do miss Isaac's company and he is great to have around.

Then again I really like being by myself, it makes me feel independent. Or I'm just indecisive and I don't know what the hell I want at all. Yup sounds accurate.

I had a really great day at work yesterday, I mean not only did I accomplish something on my own, but getting Oliver Roden to work for Justin's company I would say is an accomplishment for the both of us.

I found joy working for Justin when I stopped thinking of him as my now married ex-boyfriend. My boss Justin Bieber is actually really great to work with, and I took pride in the fact that I actually did my job well.

I picked up Justin coffee on my way to work, and when I arrived at the office it was almost eight o'clock. I knew Justin would already be in so I didn't have to worry about sitting by myself with nothing to do.

Just as I expected he was sitting at his desk but this time with his head down and when I walked in and greeted him he didn't reply.

"Mr. Bieber?" I called again and shook his shoulder lightly but he still didn't answer.

"Mr. Bieber," I said a little louder and he jumped awake.

"Hmm?" He mumbled his eye squinted and lips pouted.

"Morning Sir." I chuckled.

"I fell asleep." I placed his coffee in front of him and he smiled in delight.

"What time did you go to bed last night?" I asked, sitting in the chair and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I think two or three." He sipped the coffee. "What time is it?"

"Uh, eight o'clock. Your meeting with Mrs. Scott is in half an hour, do you want me to push it back for you?" He shook his head, moved the mouse on his computer so it could light up again.

"It's fine, I was emailing Oliver some paperwork. I hate to ask you this, but could you go to the lunch room and get me another cup of coffee?"

"It's no problem remember I am your assistant." I saw as he rolled his eyes and took another sip of his coffee.

"Intern assistant, I already told you-"

"Yeah, I don't get paid as much as a regular one but I'm still the best one you'll ever have." I smiled sarcastically and he nodded in agreement.

"We're going to conference room four when you get back. It's a slow day today." He informed me.


I walked to the lunch room, that was mostly empty except for a few people eating some breakfast. I went right to the coffee machine and poured the water and the coffee grounds in the machine then waited for it to boil.

After a few minutes, it was ready and I prepared Justin's coffee in one of the mugs that were left there. I made my way back to the office, but I was stopped by Olivia outside of the lunchroom.

"Hey Isabella, I was just about to head to Mr. Bieber's office but I guess I can tell you this now." I shook my head confused but before I could say anything she pulled out a piece of paper from the folder she was holding.

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