Chapter 3

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September 6, 2017


I found Olivia easily, it actually seemed like she was waiting for me outside of the office. She was leaned against the large round wooden desk where a woman much like the one from the first floor was on the phone.

"If you have any questions just ask me, I know Mr. Bieber can be sort of... intimidating." Yeah he was intimidating for about a whole minute, now ... I really just don't like him.

"As you've seen the building is very large. But you'll be working mostly on this floor unless Mr. Bieber needs you to go get something from legal or anything like that. This floor is where most of Mr. Bieber's departments are.

Including, modeling, photography, fashion editors and p.r agents. There are three more; a visual merchandiser, marketing/social media assistant and the modeling department which is split in two. Mr. Bieber will probably discuss that with you later."

We began to walk down the large hallway that had a door with a name on the front.

"This is the photography department, the head of the department is Ansel James he's grumpy most of the time but he is amazing at his job. He's worked here for almost five years. You'll come here with Mr. Bieber to handle the pictures that get put into the magazines. As well as booking the models that will need to be photographed. Mr. Bieber has all the final say in which photos get used." The office was a plain clear conference room, where the interns were filtering through different pictures and cameras and lenses were lined up against the wall.

"Across from the photography department, is the photo room. In here are all of the sample pictures or pending photos that need to be used. You'll come in here to file any pictures Mr. Bieber decides he doesn't want or bring him the photos that he wants to use." This room is large and dimly lit with different bins that were organized with folders containing pictures I was guessing. Wow, this is a lot to take in.

"The modelling department is right at the end of the hallway and it is split into two sections. The first section is the world of modelling and hiring and working with models, and the second half is actually modelling itself. The head of the department is Patty Mallette, Mr. Bieber's mom. She's worked here for the past ten years. But you'll also work with Ingrid Elliot who is a former fashion model. You'll book Mr. Bieber's meetings with them when they need to discuss the models that will be hired and used in magazines and fashion shows." Talk about family oriented. I hope Patty doesn't know what I look like, because I've suffered enough embarrassment for one life time, and if she knows that her sons ex girlfriend works in the same place she does... well you can see how that would be embarrassing.

"I thought Justin's parents were divorced." She gave me a funny look, am I not supposed to know they're divorced or something?

"They are, but they were married when the company was first started. She's a very big part of the company." I nodded, well at least she knows the pain of having to work for her ex. She can definitely relate to me.

"The next department is the fashion editors and they're on the other side of the floor. The department head is Katy Omen. She's pretty scary, always looks like she's about to rip someone's head off but she's very professional. She won't give you a hard time because you'll be working very closely with Mr. Bieber. You'll also book Mr. Bieber's meetings with the fashion editors because whatever they put in the media reflects on his name.

The design team works on the other end as well. Leo Thompson runs the department. You will most likely have a have a hard time understanding anything he says, because he has a really strong Italian accent. Mr. Bieber works with him for any projects he has involving the clothing lines the company releases. currently, Mr. Bieber and his wife share Leo as a designer since the company has only sold clothes as D&J, but Mr. Bieber is looking for a new designer to work for his company. There are many meetings both Mr. Bieber and Mrs. Scott have with Leo so he'll be a familiar face.

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