Chapter 13

476 18 13

September 22, 2017


I peeked my head up and Stephie snapped her head towards me.

"Mr. Bieber said you may enter whenever you please." I can't help but smirk to myself. For the first time I've pissed of the wife of the golden boy and I didn't even have to try.

That probably won't get me fired, but it just feels good inside.

I pushed the door open to the office and Justin was writing things down on a piece of paper and his stress level was me in high school when I was finishing an assignment worth ten percent that was due the next day.

"Your wife is raising hell on Greta," I said once I entered and he looked up from his paper for the first time.

"You look nice." He said once he saw me, I blushed and a smile pulled on his face. "Can I say that or are you gonna file a sexual harassment suit against me?" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"I forgot to send the photos you wanted to Vogue. But I did everything else." I feel like every time I say something that could possibly get him angry, or get me into some type of trouble a little chant goes off in my head saying 'please be mad'.

"That's fine. We need to go to conference room four today for the first rotation. Also, I'll be taking you to the twentieth floor on Wednesday so you can learn more about photography and photo shoots. Write that down on the schedule." I saluted him, and he just rolled his eyes at my sarcasm.

"What time is the meeting? I want-" The door was shoved open with Greta behind Stephie looking terrified as all hell.

"Hi, sweetheart." Justin smiled sweetly at her but she just scowled back.

"I didn't see you this morning." She said, walking over to him and placing his hands around her waist.

"I had to be here early." Greta was looking down at her feet, and I stepped back and went closer to her so I didn't have to be in front of the happy couple.

"I'm sorry sir, she said she needed to speak with you urgently," Greta mumbled, Justin nodded toward her understandingly and she walked out of the office.

"The meeting is in twenty minutes you can just meet me here, and we'll finish sending the photos for vogue when it's finished." I followed Greta outside of the office and stayed by her desk because I have nothing to do and I'm not going to spend twenty minutes in my office staring at the ceiling. Talking to Greta seems like much more fun.

"You look so pretty today Isabella. I didn't tell you before." Greta complimented me.

"Thank you, so do you. How do you like working on this floor?" I asked her.

"Oh it's fine, I like working for Mr. Bieber much more. He's so kind to me, he really... he's just a very sweet man." She blushed just talking about him. That seems a little bit weird. Obviously, Justin is nice- the Justin I knew- but from what I heard from every single person is that he is a very cold, get to the point kind of guy.

He even calls one of his friends from childhood by the wrong name, but he seems to only remember Greta's. And the way she's talking about him makes it seem very suspicious.

"He is. He and his wife are very good together." Her eyes flashed with something I couldn't properly describe and she looked down at her notebook.

"Yes. Well, you should probably go wait for Mr. Bieber. He'll be out of his office soon." That was definitely jealousy, and from the way she dismissed me like that, I could see that was a sour subject for her.

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