Chapter 45

386 12 12

March 1, 2018


It's not a big deal.  I have to say it because it won't be a big deal until I say it.  So here it goes, it's my birthday. Yep, my birthday, I'm 25, but it isn't a big deal. There's nothing to celebrate really, I'm another year older, I'm not going to party, I'm not going to do anything really, but I want to let it be known that it's not a big deal. I'm not making it one at least.

Last year Banks and I partied unbelievably hard, and I'm pretty sure I lost a good thousand dollars that day, and a piece of my dignity but we were so drunk I can't even remember it.

But this year, I'm not doing that. I'm being forced to have cake with my family after work, but I don't plan on doing anything else because I'm way too busy. I have a company to run now, and birthday parties stop being a necessity after like you reach double digits.

This morning, when I woke up, Stephie was gone but she left me a happy birthday note on our night table, so I know she's gonna keep it as low key as possible. I practically had to beg her for the past 2 weeks not to make a big thing about it, but in the past few days she completely gave up on it and agreed to do nothing except buy the cake.

Now enough about my birthday, and onto more important things. That being, that Paris is getting closer and closer, and that means that the end of the merger is coming as well. It's an end of an era, I'll finally have a company that's mine. Not that the company any less mine, it's in my name, but I don't have to share everything with my wife, and it won't be something my father handed to me, it's something that I took and made better.

Traffic is slow this the morning, and by a strange change of roles, I was getting coffee for Bella and Greta. Nothing that I minded since Bella has been working an insane amount of overtime trying to get our Paris trip organized, and Greta has been helping her during the times that I can't. I don't remember the last time I actually got a good night's rest, but in time I know that maybe possibly I'll actually get to lay my head down in my own bed and sleep.

The Starbucks line moved slowly, but once I got everything I rushed back to my car to get to my office. I hate traffic, I may be a little impatient but having to wait for other people to move their cars. I just want to get to work already.

I don't think I've ever been this late to the office, but getting caffeine into Bella and Greta is a pretty good excuse so I'm pretty sure it can fly for today. Also, I'm the boss so I can cut myself a little slack... wow where has my humor gone? I used to be funny, right? Cause now... well I don't even have anything witty to say to that.

The same familiar garage scent fills my nostrils as I walk through the underground parking. I can picture Bella upstairs tangled in telephones wires with paper scattered all around her office. Or even mine, it's actually nice to see, because it shows me she actually wants to be here. We've come a long way since September I guess you could say.

The floor is quiet when I get up, and Greta isn't at her desk either. It's not odd since I told her to redirect any calls to the main floor secretary so that she can help out Bella. Tray in hand, and briefcase in the other, I walk up to my door hoping I don't interrupt the thinking process.

Before I can fully register my surroundings, the sharp sound of "Surprise!" fills my ears, making me jump back in... well...surprise.

"Oh my god," All in my office are the interns, Greta and a couple of other people from my team are standing with wide smiles. Smack in the middle holding a cupcake, with a single candle is Bella, smiling happily at me and I can't help but smile back. She told me she wouldn't make a big deal about my birthday either, obviously not true. "You guys,"

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