Chapter 4

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   "Did she have anything to eat before you left?" Asked Mrs. Bridges. "I don't think so, no," Responded Amber. They went outside to see Katie floating at the top of the pool.

   "Katie!" Shouted Mrs. Bridges, carrying her inside. She set her down on the living room couch. "M-Mom?!?" Stammered Katie. "What am I doing here? I'm perfectly fine!" She walked back outside and jumped into the pool.

   The whirlpool was still going. Katie started to swim around. She slipped. Again and again she sunk under the water, deeper each time. "Katie! What are you doing?!? Ha ha!" Asked Amber. "Amber... I... I actually don't know," Said Katie, "I just... I can't control my arms. I must be tired. I'm gonna get back in bed. Sorry Amber,"

   Katie climbed into bed and shut her eyes. "I'm okay," She thought to herself, "I'm okay."


                                                   Written by KatiePeg97

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