Chapter 15

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   Katie lay still on her bed. Unable to move. She tried to communicate with the others. Her mouth wouldn't budge. "I don't think I'll ever be the same, again," She thought.  Mrs. Bee was to busy talking to Mrs. Bridges to realize the condition that Katie was in.

   Katie tried to rustle her sheets to try and get their attention, but she couldn't. She couldn't move a muscle. There really was no way to contact anyone. She could be stuck on that bed for the rest of her life.

   "Nationals! I forgot! "Katie thought. Swimming nationals were coming up. She would need to recover by next month, or she wouldn't compete. "Poor Amber. Mr. Riverside, Ms. Winters, I let everyone down." She thought.

   Meanwhile, Mrs. Bee and Mrs. Bridges were discussing how Katie would be able to recover before nationals. They knew that swimming was what she was meant to do with her life. They walked over to Katie, only to see that she was stiff and speechless.

   Mrs. Bee tried to rustle Katie out of her bed. "Her muscles are completely relaxed," She told Mrs. Bridges. "Well, is that a good thing?" She asked. "Unfortunately not,"Replied Mrs. Bee. "Her stroke is getting worse. She will not be able to move for a while."

                                         Written by KatiePeg97

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