Chapter 25

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Amber, Mrs. Bridges, and Mrs. Bee were huddled around Katie. " Only a few more days honey," Said Mrs. Bridges in relief. She gave her a hug and a kiss before she and Mrs. Bee walked away.
Amber, on the other hand, knelt by Katie the whole time. She was confident that things were going to be right again.
"Amber," Asked Katie in a low, raspy voice. Amber nodded, motioning her to continue. "It's just... It's been really hard to see you like this. To see everyone like this. And only until now do I really understand the truth. I need to make it up to everyone. I need to fight. I need to~" Amber cut her off.
"You don't need to do this," She said. "But I do. Amber, I am going to nationals, and I am going to win."

Written by KatiePeg97

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