Chapter 8

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   Tears filled the bed that Katie fell to sleep. "No, no, no," Mumbled her mom. She would not let go of her daughter. And seemingly enough, Katie was fine with it. She felt a sort of comfort to this strange woman. A sort of hope. 

   The doctors walked back in with the results. "Excuse me ma'am, may I please take you for a moment?" Said Dr. Schmitt. "No. I will not let go of my daughter," Said Mrs. Bridges as tears rolled down her cheeks.

   "Mrs. Bridges, we are extremely sorry. We will do whatever we can to help," Dr. Schmitt said, solemnly. "What?" Asked Mrs. Bridges. "You're daughter... Katie... She has been diagnosed with a stroke." 

  Mrs. Bridges collapsed onto her daughter, bawling. "How could I let this happen? How could this happen to my daughter? " Tears blanketing her, Mrs. Bridges closed her eyes and only imagined what was going to happen next. But now, all she needed was some quiet, peaceful, comfort.

                                                    Written by KatiePeg97

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