Chapter 22

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Katie woke up and realized that it was getting better, things were changing for her. She opened her eyes fully and although the light nearly blinded her, it was a beautiful sight.
Katie wanted to scream, but no sound came out. As her eyes adjusted she saw her grandma and her mother next to her bed.
Katie's heart seemed to explode when she saw them, she could barely move her head, she felt numb and every time she moved her eyes she experienced agonizing pain. Even so she managed to tilt her head slightly to the left and look into her mother's eyes.
Her mother's eyes lit up with joy, and Katie's did too. "Katie!" She yelled. "You're all right! You're okay!" Her mom yelled, tears of joy escaping her eyes. Katie couldn't speak but we wanted to tell her mother how much she loved her.
Before she knew it Katie was crying too. Maybe. I will win.

Written by TheFlameFangirl

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