Chapter 6

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   Katie woke up to see a crowd of people surrounding her. "What am I doing here?" Katie said, confused. "You're in the hospital," Said her mom. Katie stared blankly into Mrs. Bridges' eyes. "Who are you?" She asked. Mrs. Bridges collapsed onto the dirty hospital floor in tears. "She doesn't remember me! Help me please!" She cried. "I'm sorry ma'am. There's nothing we can do right now. We'll do some research and we will find out her case soon. I'm so sorry," Empathized one of the doctors, Dr. Schmitt. 

   Mrs. Bridges held Katie so tight, she could barely breath. "Get off me! Who are you!?!" Screamed Katie. Mrs. Bridges called Amber and her family to come visit her daughter. "What if I never see Katie swim again? What if she never even gets to know my name!? What if she..." Mrs. Bridges took a deep breath and tried to relax. 

   "Excuse me ma'am, but we will need to do an MRI. Please wait here and we will give you the results as soon as possible," Said Dr. Schmitt as they wheeled Katie out of the room.

                                                          Written by KatiePeg97

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