Preparing for the Future

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Unico Headquarters

"They think they can win against us. They don't even know what's coming."

"Boss the buildings on lockdown, we can't get inside or get into the system to get it down."

"You don't need worry about getting inside. They will come to us."

A figure emerges from the shadows, "when the time is right. They will join us."


Amy's PoV

It's been a week and nothing, no attacks or letters. Everyone's been focused on the tasks though.

John and Russell have been training nearly everyday from morning to evening as so many people want to learn to fight and defend their home and family.

I've helped when I can but right now I'm running every division. I'm organising the searching using the best hackers and searches we have to find every every scrap of information we can find about this organisation or company. I'm not even sure who they are.

I have Dad and uncle Rodger reviewing the most important information as they have the best minds to determine what is useful and what is not, as well as being able to understand some of it because it doesn't make much sense to me.

"Amy?" I look up to see Dad and Uncle Rodger standing there. I'm currently sitting in the office with the desk covered in bits of paper.


"You need to take a break." Uncle Rodger places his hand on my shoulder. "When was the last time you slept?"

"I don't know." I mutter. "Anyway what do you need?"

"We've found something." Dad puts a bit of paper in front of me. It's a profile of a Russian guy whose name I don't even think I could say without offending someone.

"So we know they are a government organisation."

"Yes. I had Tim get his location. His currently living up in Canada."

Uncle Rodger takes over, "we want to travel out to see what he has to say about it. If we can find out who run the organisation we can learn what they want."

"Alright that's a good idea. We should send a few of the trained ones. They can handle things if they go south."

They share a look. Dad sighs, "we think Rodger and I should go. We have more experience of handling these types of situations and trained muscle isn't what we need."

"Your fathers right. You need to send people who can talk their way out of anything and know how to talk to people of business. Not even John has the experience we do."

I know they would be perfect for it and I can fully trust them but it's their safety I worry about. "At least take someone with you." They both go to object but I stand up and walk round to them. "Your not in 20's anymore, you can't fight the same way you did before. Uncle Rodger you were iced for a long time, your body wasn't training whilst you were asleep." I look at Dad. "And your not a tomorrow person Dad. I know you can use a gun but you still haven't trained in a long time."

"If we take someone they will see it as a threat." Dad explains.

"And if you don't and you get hurt or worse die." I lick my lips. "I don't want to loose either of you." They both smile, "But your our best chance."

"We will come back." Uncle Rodger states.

"You contact every two hours or I will come down there and personally bring you back." They both laugh before giving me a hug and heading off to prepare for the trip.

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