We're Niam!

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*hey sorry for the late update! had school work than I went on a vacation. I'm starting to write my original fiction The Sleazy Diaries over again so would you mind checking it out? Go to my page DayDay1313 ! please and thanks**

I looked at my calendar and groaned. It was November 1st, which meant I've known Harry for a little over a month now. Was a month all it took for me to fall in love and get my heart broken? I was such a sucker.

I did my regular routine of getting ready for school and waited outside for Liam to arrive.

Once he came we rode to school in anticipation for the day. I was a bit more excited than when I woke up because my favorite Little Mix song, "Wings", came on.

"Are you going to be okay?" Liam asked as I grabbed the handle to open the door.

"Pssshhh LiLi I can handle this." I said, believing the words as I said them.

"You sure?" He asked me, those brown eyes showing worry.

"I'm sure Li! See you later!" I said, exciting the car and heading to first period.

The locker rooms were a test of my newly found strength. Harry had somehow found his way back next to me, which was weird. Zayn kept looking at me which was starting to bother me.

"Is there something you want Zaynie?" I asked the shirtless guy.

"Ummm you look really happy." He told me.

"Do I?" I asked him. He nodded and I smiled.

"That's because I am. I decided not to let some guy," I turned to look at Harry who frowned, "ever bring me down again. I'll live." I said giving Zayn my brightest smile.

Both of them looked like they just saw a person get hit by a bus. Bad analogy but that's for it is.

I held my head up high and got dressed and went to do our gym lesson.

The whole class period Harry and Zayn kept looking at me and whispering. I decided that I was going to put on my big boy pants and see what was going on.

"Are you two talking about me?" I inquired.

"Maybe." Zayn said with a smile.

"What about?" I asked them.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Harry told me.

I ignored him and asked Zayn again, "So what is it about?"

Zayn smiled wickedly at me. "I think Niall is over you Harold."

Harry looked at him, baffled. Then his gaze shifted towards me with worry. I smiled triumphantly at him even though my heart was breaking under his gaze. But I just had to move on.

"Well Blondie if you must know we were discussing that stupid bet of Harold's." Zayn said with a smile. "

"What about it?" I said, cutting my eyes at him. I'm seriously hating myself for treating him like this. But he brought mean Niall on himself.

"Harold doesn't know why he did it and he wants your forgiveness." Zayn said with a huge grin.

Harry stopped cold in his tracks and glared at Zayn. I stared in disbelief too. Zayn had this triumphant smirk on his face which made my stomach churn. He was up to something. Zayn was always up to something.

"He's not forgiven." I said through gritted teeth. I turned and walked off, the sound of Zayn whistling becoming distant.

Later on I sat at lunch with Liam who looked equally agitated.

"Louis kept trying to talk to me." He whispered.

"Well at least he's trying. Harry's too coward to do that much." I told him.

"Oh yea he has Zayn huh." Liam said, biting into his chicken sandwich. I already demolished mines as soon as we sat down.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him.


"Them! I mean I've been playing hard to get but that won't last that long." I confessed.

Liam stared at me for a while, thinking. Suddenly he took a huge gasp of air that made me jump in my seat. "What!?" I asked him, panicked.

"We get back at them!" He said with a devious smile.

"Um what?" I asked, a confused expression plastered on my face.

"We show them we don't need them." He said triumphantly.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I asked.

He stared at me for a moment before saying, "Niall would you be my boyfriend?"

I believe either my saliva went down the wrong pipe or I was caught completely off guard because I went into a coughing fit. Liam started patting my back and he gave me his water. When I finally recovered I looked at him like the mad man he was.

"I'm sorry I thought you asked me out." I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"I did and you never answered." He said softly.

I looked him up and down and discovered he wad serious. "Liam what would us dating succeed? We're best mates."

"It'll show them that we don't need them. That we have each other and they will get jealous."

"So we're fake dating?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They won't know that." He said, a wicked grin playing across his face.

"Why Li Li I believe you have a little dark side in you. Mii likey!"

"So that's a yes?" He asked.

"Fuck yea! Let's mind fuck these guys like they did us!" I said.

I got up and threw both of our traits away. Then I went back and grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him out of his seat. He smiled at my eagerness and he let me control our little charade.

We walked through the cafe in their direction, hand in hand, smiling brightly. I leaned on his arm and rubbed it, faking admiration, just as we walked past their table.

Louis looked dumbfounded and Harry's jaw dropped open. Zayn had this huge smirk on his face but that was almost always there.

"I think we have a case of Niam." I heard Zayn say as we walked out.

We made sure we were down the hall before we separated. Liam let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I can't believe you did that. Did you see their faces? Oh do you think Louis' hurt?" He asked, looking back worried.

"Hey, LiLi this was your idea. And who cares, they played us. Like Zayn said we're going to be an item. We're now Niam officially." I said, air quoting the last word.

"I guess we are." He said, a new rush of courage flowing through him. I guess I had more to spare than I thought.

**hey sorry this is short. I'm pretty sure this is not what any of you all expected! that's why I did it! comment, fan, vote, love! I love my wonderful fans!**

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