The New Chick

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I was doodling random stuff. Well doodling hearts so I guess it wasn't random. Didn't help that I put little N's and H's in the hearts. This didn't go unnoticed by Zayn.

"You're torturing yourself you know." He said. It was a statement, not a question but I still nodded.

"It's helping me." I said.

"It's breaking you." He said, taking the paper from me. I let him ball it up and put it in his book bag without argument. Was that all I did? Let things go without resisting.

"Do you think he'll forgive me?" I asked.

"Why does it matter? He's with Liam now." Louis huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. He was going gradually going dark. I haven't seen him wear anything but black since they got together. It's like he was always prepared for a funeral. Maybe he was.

"Don't say that!" Zayn said. "You never know what the future holds. It could surprise the hell outta us all." He gave me one of those charming smiles of his. I was so busy staring at him that I didn't notice when the teacher went to the front off the class.

"Class, I'm sure you've all heard that we will be having a new student." The teacher said. "Now I want you all to be on your best behaviors."

"Come on in," Me. Wate called to the door.

This really cute girl walked in. She was avoiding eye contact with all of us. She glanced my way nervously. She looked like she wanted to bolt right out the door. I was going to take a wild guess and say she was shy.

"Class this is Daisy Redwood." He said, morning to her. She waved shyly at the class. "You can have that seat next to mister Horan. Raise your hand please."

Niall threw his hand up and the girl strolled over to him and sat down. I looked at Zayn who was staring at me.

"What?" I asked Zayn.

"Nothing, just looking." He told mebefore he winked.

"Looks lie they're getting chummy." Louis said, nodding towards Daisy and Niall.

"Oh what are you going to do about that Harry?" Zayn asked. Something started to boil in me as they talked about each other's hair. Then she complimented Niall's hair.

"It's dyed." I grumbled, leering at the girl.

They turned in my direction. Niall looked flustered and Daisy looked confused. Daisy asked, "And you are?"

"That's Harry, don't worry about him." Niall said, ignoring me. I gripped the edge of my desk in frustration. He was starting to piss me off with this new attitude.

"Spunky Niall is cute Niall." Zayn said from beside me. I looked at him and realized that he just winked at Niall. Then he looked at me and blew me a kiss. I was going to annihilate him.

"As you can see there's some bad history between these two." Zayn told her with a grin. What the hell was he playing at?

"Zayn that's none of her business." Niall told him.

"Yea she should probably know that you're fucking Liam." Louis spat from my right side. We all turned to a bitter looking Louis. He was staring at Liam's back so intensely I thought Liam was going to shoot up in spontaneous combustion.

"We're not having sex." Liam said. Of course he was going to deny it. He didn't want me to jump out of this seat and kick his ass.

"I'm not sure it's any of my business." Daisy said. She was looking down at her the floor, avoiding all of us. She wasn't getting off that easy.

"It's totally your business if you're flirting with Niall." I said. Niall looked at me like I was crazy.

"She's not flirting." He said, using those innocent blue eyes to plead me to stop.

"Looks like flirting, so how does that make you feel Liam?" Louis asked. We all had our targets obviously. Well I wasn't sure what Zayn's objective was.

"He can't be nice to the new girl?" Liam asked.

"Apparently not." Niall said, giving us all his version of the stank eye.

"I didn't mean to cause any problems." Daisy said. Niall looked at her and smiled. I was now holding my pencil which snapped from the pressure building in my hands.

"Just ignore them." Niall said, turning around and they followed his example.

"So pretty," Zayn whispered. I looked at him with rage because he was staring at Niall. Then he noticed I was looking at him and he smiled. Zayn reached in his bag and pulled out a thick black book. I was able to see the title written in gold on the cover. Beautiful Chaos.

Is that what Zayn thought? That chaos was beautiful. But then again Zayn was on my side. He did say that Niall might see me in a bright light again.

"He doesn't seem to love me anymore." I said softly. Zayn looked up from his book and Louis looked at me.

"Neither does Liam." Louis said pouting.

A smile creeped unto Zayn's lips. "Did you really love him? Did he really love you?" Zayn was asking this question to the both of us.

"Yes," we both answered.

Zayn shook his head at us. "I'm not sure you loved him at all." This was still directed to the both of us.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked.

"I think you two were so in love with the thought of being in love that you made love where it wasn't too begin with. I think you just saw what you wanted to see." Zayn answered nonchalantly.

"So you're saying?" I wasn't understanding Zayn.

"You were never in love with them. Just wanted them for yourselves to fulfill your loneliness. You're both greedy." Zayn said, smiling softly at us.

I sat there pondering this comment. It was a smart thing to say. Was I just in love with the thought. I looked up at Niall and thought about somethings. My heart didn't flutter at all like they say it should.

"How do you know if you're in love?" I asked Zayn.

"It's different for everyone." He said, looking at the both of us. "But when you find it you'll know." He was smiling at Niall and Niall looked back at him. It can't be.

**A/N: So more sneaky Zayn and ab angry, confused Harry. I'm actually proud of this story because it can go a lot of different ways. What do you guys want? Any ideas? Fifteen votes and thirty reads are needed before I put up the next chapter! By the way what do you think about Zayn?**

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