They're Niam?

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I have to figure out will Niall still accept me. Will he forgive me for all the things I've done. I decided the best way to do that is to change my gym locker ball to its previous position.

"You're sending some seriously mixed signals." Zayn said as he shrugged off his shirt.

"That's because my feelings are mixed up." I told him, also taking mines off. He nodded and laughed just as Niall walked in.

Something seemed different. I expected the same sad eyed Niall I saw the other day  but this guy was different. He had these twinkling blue eyes and his head was held high.

Zayn noticed too because he was watching Niall while he took his clothes off. It bugged me that he was being so attentive to Niall but it wasn't like I had any claims over him.

"Is there something you want to say Zaynie?" Niall asked him.

"Ummm you look really happy." He said, speaking out my confusion.

"Do I?" Niall asked. Zayn nodded and so did I, even though Niall was faced away from me.

"That's because I am. I decided not to let some guy," he turned and faced me to add on to my guilt, causing me to frown, "ever bring me down again. I'll live." He said turning back towards Zayn.

It honestly felt like Niall just shot me in the heart. Zayn looked surprised by Niall's confidence, as was I.

He finished getting dressed and walked out, leaving us both baffled by his comment.

"Oh look at our little Blondie. He got some spice to him now!" Zayn said with a annoying grin.

We hurried and got dressed and went to the field. I stuck near Zayn so we could talk to each other.

"He's so different." I said, keeping my eyes on the blonde boy in front of me.

"Well I'm guessing you pushed him over the edge." Zayn told me.

"I don't like him like this." I grumbled.

"What, not drooling over you?" Zayn asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No he's just cold to me now." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well you did kinda broke his little Irish heart." Zayn said, nudging me in arm. Of course he would keep reminding me of that.

"I'm sorry okay! If I could I'll do it all over again. I wouldn't have made that stupid bet!"

"But then you never would've talked to him in the first place. We would've never known Blondie." Zayn said.

"That's not true! I would've talked to him." I rushed out too fast.

"You're lying to me!" He said with a huge wicked grin. Then he stopped and smiled forward.

"Here comes your ex fanboy." He said. I tensed up as Niall stormed over.

"Are you two talking about me?" He asked.

I swallowed this lump in my throat. I opened my mouth to lie but was cut off by Zayn saying, "maybe." Zayn had on his mischievous smile.

"What about?" He asked us.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I told him, mentally willing him to leave.

Niall looked pass me and st Zayn. "So what is it about?"

Zayn gave me that cheeky smile of his and said, "I think Niall is over you Harold."

I was trying my best to hope I was over analyzing his actions today but Zayn just confirmed it. Niall is over me. The thing was I wasn't so sure if I wanted that anymore.

I stared at Zayn, mad for breaking me out of my allusion that Niall was pretending. I turned to Niall, frowning, and my heart hit my stomach when he smiled at me.

"Well Blondie if you must know we were discussing that stupid bet of Harold's." Zayn said.

"What about it?" Niall asked, his eyes flicked towards me then back to Zayn. I was hoping the earth opened up and swallowed me up.

"Harold doesn't know why he did it and he wants your forgiveness." Zayn snitched on me.

I looked at Zayn in surprise. What the fuck was he doing?

"He's not forgiven." Niall said, walking off. Zayn started to whistle at him and I punched him in the stomach.

"Oi mate that hurt!" He said. I doubt it did, he had these rock hard abs.

"Why did you tell him that!" I yelled at him as we walked away.

"Well he wanted to know." Zayn said, shrugging his shoulders.

He follows me sighing softly. "It's not my fault that he's like this."

"Great so rub it in!" I said, throwing my hands up.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I'm not Haz. Don't worry, he'll be back."

"Why are you so optimistic?" I asked him.

"The same reason why you're so pessimistic. I just want your happiness." He said, squeezing me slightly.

"And I want yours." I replied in all honesty.

I met up with Louis later on and he ran up into my arms.

"Liam was ignoring me all class!" Louis said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Well what happened?"

"I kept trying to talk to him. You know, ask him about the lesson, about his weekend, about us! Nothing! He said nothing at all. He just looked at me. No not even at me! Past me, like I wasn't even there. It's killing me Hazzy, it's killing me." He cried out, shaking my arm.

"Yea well at least he's not blatantly ignoring you." I said,

"He kinda is." Louis told me.

Zayn was waiting for us at the lunch table with a grin on his face. I followed his gaze to Niall's table. They were eating alone again.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Louis asked, glaring at them.

"My guess is it's not a what but who and that would be you!" Zayn said, smiling even larger.

"Thanks Dr. Seuss." Louis grumbled.

"I'm just saying." Zayn told him.

"I want him back." I whispered.

"To get something back you would of had to have it in the first place." Zayn said. I groaned at him for trying to be all wise.

"Where's the positive he'll come back Zayn?" I asked sarcastically.

"He's still here."

I looked at Niall and Liam as they got up...holding hands? They were literally holding hands in front of everyone.

"I can honestly say I didn't see that one coming." Zayn said.

We all watched as they walked by us and Niall leaned on Liam's arm and started rubbing his muscles. Was he fucking flirting!?!

Louis clenched his fork at the sight, ready to attack. My jaw dropped at Niall's boldness. Zayn trying to stifle a laugh with a smirk. Of course he'd find that funny.

"Looks like we have a case of Niam." Zayn said. Louis and I looked at him in shock. Was he approving of their relationship?

Just as they walked out I asked him, "Are we giving pet names now?"

"What the fuck wad that?!" Louis screamed loud enough for people to look at us.

"Don't take it seriously boys. You've just drove them into each other's arms." The laugh finally escaped from Zayn's mouth.

"Ugh!" Louis yelled storming off, leaving me with Zayn. I put my head down on the table and tried to come up with a decent plan.

**A/N: So I'm sorry lovebugs but I'm starting to put limitations on this story. I'm up to 4k reads and not even 200 votes so Idk it just makes me feel crappy. so new rule. each chapter needs a certain amount of reads and votes for me to continue. this one requires 30 reads and 10 votes!**

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