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**A/N: Lucky me I'm at the library getting all the Vampire Diaries books hehe nobody else can read them but yes to the earlier than expected update! Second semster started today and all of my classes are wrong! -.- deff changing them next week! Enjoy angry Harry! By The Way!!! WHAT THE FUCK JUSTIN BIEBER!! You're like the dumbest person on the planet at the moment!!Ughh like you're so freaking talented but have zero common sense.**

"I can't do this!" Niall cried out in panic.

"You're not afraid are you Niall?" I joked with him. He looked too cute squirming around in his seat before the ride even began. I looked over at him and asaw him glaring at me, causing me to smirk. There was noway gentle Niall could be terrifying. Sexy, yes. Terrifying, no!

"No!" He said, puffing out those cute  rosy cheeks. I hope he knew I could see right through him.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." I suggested, just to see if he will chicken out.

"I don't want to! I'm not ready!" He practically screamed at me.

"Then you're going to be screaming a lot." I said with a wink. The look on his face was priceless.

The ride lurched forward and Niall grasped the handles so hard I was afraid he'd break it. I wasn't even paying attention to the ride because all I saw was Niall. He never looked so vulnerable before and it might be twisted but I was enjoying this. Now I knew that if he acted up I would just take him on a rollercoaster as his punishment.

"I am going to kill you!" Niall growled.

"That's if you live. You look like you're about to die." I chuckled.

"Don't say that!" He yelled. We were getting closer to the top. "Oh my gosh I'm going to die!" He said as our cart peered over the edge. I looked at him in surprise. Was he actually really terrified of this ride?

This crimson red rollercoaster, dubbed "The Gateway to Hell" , started with a eighty-seven degree drop which gave you the feeling of falling. Which you technically was since the ride went under ground! I'm not sure what was waiting down there but when it came back up there were four more drops, two spirals, which were technically long corkscrews that just spiraled down, a bunch of twist and three loops before you went back underground.

"Harry if I die, I hate you!" Niall scolded me.

"Love you too babe!" I said as the cart teetered over the edge.

Niall was beside me looking like he was on the verge of a major panic attack. I was starting to worry and then when he started screaming in my ear I just smiled. It was so freaking cute watching Niall scream at the top of is lungs! You could even hear his accent through his screams!

Niall was screaming like a mad man once we went underground. His hand swiped past mines a couple of times and I grabbed it and squeezed it. I was hoping he'll relax and I don't care how much he was squeezing my hand and cutting off the circulation. It wasn't funny anymore because he was having an actual breakdown.

"Look at me Niall." I ordered, when we were out off the tunnel. I made sure he stared at me. That I was the only thing he focused on, not the ride. I was willing him to look at me until we were consumed by darkness once more. Once we were out of the tunnel Niall was having a complete breakdown.

Once the ride was over, Niall ran off the ride, beating the crowd I managed to get stuck in. I had to shove my way through the crowd and then I couldn't see Niall's blonde mane.

"Look at that dork crying." Someone said. I looked to where he was pointing and saw Niall leaning on the fence. I was tempted to punch him down the stairs but Niall needed me.

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