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Liam literally did the dumbest thing he could ever do. He charged at Zayn with his fist drawn. Zayn didn't even move. I believe he was going to use his Liam's strength against him. I wasn't sure, like Zayn was literally confusing me nowadays.

I ran up and pulled attempted to pull the raging Liam off of Zayn but apparently Zayn just  didn't need help. He caught Liam's arm right before it collided with his face for the fifth time! He used his force to roll over on top of Liam, causing me to step back. Zayn could easily win against Muscles.

Now Zayn was on top of Liam delivering his own blows kicking his ass. I was going to sit there and let it happen because it was kinda funny to see the big man go down. But then Niall ran up so I decided to help and him by grabbing Zayn. We separated the both of them though I didn't have to hold Zayn.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Liam growled. He started to walk forward, easily dragging Niall.

"Louis!" Niall screamed.  Louis ran up and tried to hold back Liam also but Louis was lighter than Niall to be honest. Daisy took that as he cue to run I'm and hold Liam back also. I think the three of them actually stood a chance against muscles. MAYBE.

"Me? Why there's nothing wrong with me." Zayn was mocking them. Zayn has fallen off the deep end into Cray Cray Land. 

"Yea, I thought you liked Niall!" Daisy chirps. She is always kinda oblivious to things.

Zayn was having a riot here. He started to laugh like the twisted maniac he was.  "Niall? Seriously Daisy I can have anyone I want. Why would I go after Niall? Though the thought of fucking him before this happened did cross my mind." He said with his devilish grin.

I stopped in my tracks, confused by what he said. Was he being serious at the moment? Fuck it was Zayn, of course he was being serious. "You were planning on fucking him?" I asked.

"Well yea. I wanted to bang him than ditch him. I wanted to make him cry." Zayn said, staring at Niall to make an added serious effect. 

So was I the only one here that wanted to kill Zayn? Like literally smash his skull into the concrete until it's nothing but mush. Mental note to learn some skills so I can have some type of chance against him. I was going to kick his ass.

"Why would you do that?" Niall asked, his voice sounded so small.

"So I can see you hurt." Zayn said, in this monotone voice.

"What the hell has Niall done to you?!" Liam screamed as he struggled to get it of their hold.

"To me? Nothing." Zayn said, smirking at Niall.

"So I don't get it! Why play with me feelings if I didn't do anything" Niall said talking frantically, following Zayn's gaze. "Harry," I breathed.

"What? No this wasn't my idea! I didn't know-" I started to explain, not taking the blame for anything dealing with Zayn's craziness.

"I know you didn't Harry. He did this for you!" Niall said. I looked at Zayn in disbelief. That was when I decided I had to speak. 

"You're toying with Niall because of me?" I asked calmly with false calmness.

"Oui!" Zayn said, grinning even wider. "I've actually been planning this since he started frowning feelings for you. It's quite irksome you know. I mean Louis I was okay with because I knew it was just sex." Zayn said, causing Louis to cringe. "But Blondie was a different story. You grew feelings for that boy, which surprised even me. So I decided I had to end it before it started."

"I'm not following." Liam said even though I did.

"Well I did push them along with that whole deal thing. Then after he told you I made sure that he didn't pursue you. I needed you to have doubts Niall. Then I had to get into your little naive head. I had to make you think that you could possibly move on. To foolishly think that there was someone out there better than Harry. You being the innocent little pawn you are played your role so well. I just wished I could've played this game longer. I know you still have feelings for Harry and the fact that you even think about him just makes me want to..." Zayn balled his fists up. I was still kinda shocked. Zayn was playing nd the whole time. Setting me up like this was going to be his death certificate.

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