39. Dear...

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1. Dear Boyfriend,

I can make your girlfriend scream older than you can.

Sincerely, Spider


2. Dear Sidewalk,

Please get wider.

Sincerely, Third person walking feeling excluded.


3. Dear Yahoo,

I've never heard anyone saying,"I don't know, let's Yahoo it!"

Sincerely, Google


4. Dear Windshield wipers,

Can't touch this!

Love, The little triangle


5. Dear Math,

Solve your own fucking problems. Bitch, I got a life!

Sincerely, Me


6. Dear Rubic cube,


From, Colorblind


7. Dear Boys wearing skinny jeans,


Sincerely, Your balls


8. Dear Romeo,

My death isn't the only thing I've been faking...

Love (Not really), Juliet


9. Dear Fox News,

So far, no information about foxes.

Sincerely, Unimpressed


10. Dear ABC,

When can we learn the alphabet?

From, 5 year old (With help from mom)


In math class, my friend forgot a really easy simple step and said,"Oh, I'm really stupid."

And I said,"Yep. I agree."

Then she got pissed at me cuz I said that. Like, come on. If you said you were smart, I would've agreed too. Life lesson kids, don't say something unless you want people to agree with you.

Damn, I should be a teacher. I was just watching Pewdiepie and my friend didn't know who he was. To all them bros out there, if you don't know him, you need to get on my level! Naw, I'm kidding. But still, he hilarious as shit. Peace out!


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