41. Comebacks to Insults

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1. Pardon me, but you must've mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.

2. Fuck you.

3. I wish I could go back in time.... And walk away.

4. I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just saying you're 100% full of shit.

5. Hey, I think a crayon mugged you. Wait, that's your make-up.

6. Hey, remember when we were friends? Oh, yeah, that must've been before you became a BITCH.

7. See you in hell.

8. Don't give me that middle finger, I don't want to see the size of your penis.

9. Don't you have a terribly empty feeling... In your skull?

10. You spelled 'Ugly' wrong.


Shane Dawson's new Christmas video just came out! It's sad and awesome. I was close to crying, key word= Close. So check it out and hit dat like button for him!

So past Thanksgiving, yeah, I know, I'm pretty late on that, was like shit. We went to this family celebration thing, which, might I add, didn't include a single family member, only had my parents friends and their friends. So it lasted a fucking 4 hours.

When we finally started getting home, my dad's car broke down. We had a police car push the back of the car and into some shitty ass gasoline place. Then, my dad had to call Mom to pick us up, which took away 30 min. So it took a hour to get home AND my phone ran out of battery. Some Thanksgiving day that was.

My god. So leave some shit days you've had down below so I feel better! Naw, I'm kidding. It's been over a week. Plus, Winter Break's almost here! No more school for two weeks is like paradise. Peace out!


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