26. Funny Convos

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1. A policeman caught a teen speeding.

Police: I've been waiting for you all day!

Teen : Well, I got here as fast as I could!


2. Three-year-old: Daddy, I want to play our piano but I can't open the lid!

Dad: Course ya can't, honey, the keys are inside.


3. Boy: The principal is so dumb.

Girl: Do you know who I am?

Boy: Uh, a student?

Girl: Yeah, and the principal's daughter .

Boy: Do you know who I am?

Girl: No.

Boy: Good. (Walks away)


4. *A boy whispers to his mom*

Boy: Mommy? Why's the girl wearing all white?

Mom: Because it's the happiest day of her life.

Boy: Then why's the guy wearing all black? Is this the worst day of his life?


5. Husband watching a video: DON'T DO IT! YOUR GONNA REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! No. Noo. No. NOOO! YOU FUCKING IDIOT. WHY'D YOU SAY YES?! FUUUCCKKK!! Why is he such a dumb ass?

Wife: What are you watching?

Husband: Our wedding ceremony.


6. Mom: Why's everything on the floor?

Me: Gravity, mom.


7. Me: If you were locked in a car and all you had was a hammer, what would you do?

Friend: Smash the window!

Me: Wouldn't it make more sense to just unlock the door?


8. Teacher: Kids, it's better to fail then cheat.

Me: Bitch please, it's better to cheat then repeat.


9. Mom: Clean your room, guests are coming over.

Me: Oh I'm sorry, didn't know dinner is going to be in my room.

Mom: No, it's in the kitchen.

Me: And then what? You going to take them on a tour through my room?


10. Dad: Daddy!

Baby: Mommy!

Dad: Come on, say daddy!

Baby: Mommy!

Dad: Fuck you! Say daddy!

Baby: Fuck you, mommy!

Mom: Honey! I'm home!

Baby: Fuck you!

Mom: Who taught you that?

Baby: Daddy!

Dad: Son of a bitch.


Fuck school, it's such a pain in the ass. There's so much fudging work and you actually have to think?! Who would've thought? Now, I gotta do my homework. Bye.

Just kidding. I never do my homework. And I don't get caught, cuz I'm sneaky sneaky. Na, but for real, I just do my homework in school for bellwork or something. Don't tell my teachers that....Peace out!


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